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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 05:29



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 03:45

Looking out of the window, the white clouds are so free, and I was looking at the spread on the table that a lot of brightly coloured booklet, in trance. Oh, that's all I have to do homework. At this point, I can not help but fell into a meditation. Ever since I entered junior high school, I still do not understand, I suffer the day is coming. I thought the junior middle school is not as rumors so dread, but, in a day I will know my mind is how ridiculous, job shop days Gaidide coming to me. I like all the people who lived through the period, big mouth loud protests, but, I protest did not work, but attracted more curses, said I not to know good from bad, serious when still something to whip me, until I cried for mercy, and admits that he is wrong ( actually I did not think so the ), just leave a words, stamping their feet and let me roll, I in the face of reality, after numerous failures, soft down, started in accordance with the provisions do parents : get up at five a.m., eleven p.m.. Anyway, I survived, and have achieved good results, because I always tell myself: again painstakingly again tired just boil the past, summer can be good fun. I am full of hope, looking forward to the summer. Finally, the summer holiday is coming, but that a exercise book, an English book, my hope is like a piece of tissue paper as apart. I don't understand to ask: I have finished my work, how to write! But, did not care for me, no one answered my question. Alas, a day to remember 400 words, remember not to punish. Wrote here, I can't help to tears the green tunic, they, my parents, don't understand me, was determined to make me better, but, I understand their painstaking, but there's no need to not let me play, only let me learn. I don't understand, why they think learning can let me learn better?? Alas, I do not want to understand, play not good?? I don't understand! This is my truth, but anyway, I will use my tender words to carry out a little resistance


热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 03:45

Looking out of the window, the white clouds are so free, and I was looking at the spread on the table that a lot of brightly coloured booklet, in trance. Oh, that's all I have to do homework. At this point, I can not help but fell into a meditation. Ever since I entered junior high school, I still do not understand, I suffer the day is coming. I thought the junior middle school is not as rumors so dread, but, in a day I will know my mind is how ridiculous, job shop days Gaidide coming to me. I like all the people who lived through the period, big mouth loud protests, but, I protest did not work, but attracted more curses, said I not to know good from bad, serious when still something to whip me, until I cried for mercy, and admits that he is wrong ( actually I did not think so the ), just leave a words, stamping their feet and let me roll, I in the face of reality, after numerous failures, soft down, started in accordance with the provisions do parents : get up at five a.m., eleven p.m.. Anyway, I survived, and have achieved good results, because I always tell myself: again painstakingly again tired just boil the past, summer can be good fun. I am full of hope, looking forward to the summer. Finally, the summer holiday is coming, but that a exercise book, an English book, my hope is like a piece of tissue paper as apart. I don't understand to ask: I have finished my work, how to write! But, did not care for me, no one answered my question. Alas, a day to remember 400 words, remember not to punish. Wrote here, I can't help to tears the green tunic, they, my parents, don't understand me, was determined to make me better, but, I understand their painstaking, but there's no need to not let me play, only let me learn. I don't understand, why they think learning can let me learn better?? Alas, I do not want to understand, play not good?? I don't understand! This is my truth, but anyway, I will use my tender words to carry out a little resistance

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