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求人教版高一英语必修二第三单元作文『My story』一篇

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 05:34



热心网友 时间:2023-07-04 06:44

我只是一个普通的人,我想用我自己的努力去做我想做的事情!我相信命运,我也相信缘分。这个故事是真实的,或许你并不是很感情趣,或许我的叙述过于乏味,或许我无法把它写的很生动很感人。但是于我来讲,它是如此的神奇 美妙 浪漫!!! 在一个村子里找道一个人或许很容易,但是在一个镇上前提是你根本就不知道是哪个村子,那么去找一个流动人口 有多么的不容易?走在茫茫的大街上,面对一个又一个陌生的人,我是那样的无可奈何,那样的灰心丧气。尤其是我已经觉得毫无希望了!我相信命运,我相信老天,我相信他会照顾我。我去了那么远的地方,我没有任何多余的想法,我只是想如果我能找到他,那么那是多么让人心跳的事。或者说,我就是想见到他,很想很想,这不需要理由吧!!! I am only an ordinary person, I want to do the thing that I want to do with my own efforts! I believe destiny, I believe fate too. The story true, you interesting emotion have very perhaps, perhaps my narration is too ll, I unable to make whom it write very much vivid and very much touching perhaps. But say to me, it is so magical and wonderful and romantic! ! ! It is very easy to look for a person in a village, It is very easy to look for a person in a village, but the prerequisite is that you do not know at all which village it is in a town, go look for how one floating population have easy? Walk on the boundless and indistinct street, face one and another strange persons, I am the such having no way out, so disheartened. Especially I have already felt hopeless! I believe destiny, I believe God, I believe he will look after me. I have gone to so far a place, I do not have any surplus idea, I hope if I can find him, then the thing of person's heartbeat that how that is to let. In other words, I want to see him, want to think of very much very much, does not this need the reason
求人教版高一英语必修二第三单元作文『My story』一篇

I am only an ordinary person, I want to do the thing that I want to do with my own efforts! I believe destiny, I believe fate too. The story true, you interesting emotion have very perhaps, perhaps my narration is too dull, I unable to make whom it write very much vivi...

英语作文 我的故事(My Story)

I am only an ordinary person, I want to do the thing that I want to do with my own efforts! I believe destiny, I believe fate too. The story true, you interesting emotion have very perhaps, perhaps my narration is too dull, I unable to make whom it write very much vivi...

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必修2英语my story作文

I am only an ordinary person, I want to do the thing that I want to do with my own efforts! I believe destiny, I believe fate too. The story true, you interesting emotion have very perhaps, perhaps my narration is too dull, I unable to make whom it write very much ...


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