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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 09:48




Yes. It is all introduced in this book. Do you want to read it with me ?A:不了,我等下还有课,不过今天非常感谢你跟我讨论这些有趣的发明知识 No. I have classes to take later. Any way. Thank you very much for talking with me so many interesting things about invention.B:...


翻译:consciousness of escaping aims at expressing that in the current male chauvinism world, female only can exist as the other. If you want to search the female's ego and due status, escaping is a method.

请英语高手帮忙翻译下 十分感谢

Some might say love is like ,fairtale.可能有人说过爱就像童话故事。But I say love can be hurtful still.但是我说爱情也会让人受到伤害 Cos we are ,all huma.we all make mistake and never regret.因为我们都是平凡人,都会犯错而且从不后悔。My be one day we will reslise,the reas...


A rain,umbrella,street,two people to walk


Men survive in the world, men don’t live to survive. My philosophy is to treat others sincerely, face life enthusiastically. Friends are my most precious wealth and success is my greatest dream. I believe in that only a man with diligence and progress in work and forgiveness ...

英语高手帮忙翻译一段英文 万分感谢!!

在可见光照射,掺杂二氧化钛nanocatalysts证明商业Dugussa较高的活性比P25二氧化钛,让更多的有效利用太阳能光,而在阳光下,P25显示高催化活性。According to the X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and UV–vis spectr analyses, it was found that both the nanosized ...


你好!翻译为:today was a busy day.because that the new year is coming,my house was cleaned up.i helped to clean the house,but mum choosed e the easiest work for me .let me wipe windows and tables.my sisiter helped mum to clean the cook and reatroom.what a tired day i...


i'm so sorry我很抱歉 we jus call it quits 我们决定放弃 i wanna promise that we`ll never say good bye 我想承诺永远不说再见 but im glad to have da honored chance to be with u 但是我很高兴能有何你在一起这样的荣耀的机会 and hope u go its ur shot 希望这就是你出人头地的...


There will be a new colleague (Mr. Zhang Shu, APM) joining us in our Beijing Office on 22nd of this month. Would you please prepare a quotation for a notebook PC and send it to us? Thanks!


You are the first one that gave me this feeling.

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