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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 13:25



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 14:32

The South Korean entertains the visitor happily with the dog meat. Has the visitor to come, to buy a dog, after slaughtering, belt Pi Zhucheng the dog bouillon, is joined to the cold food in sauce, entertains the visitor to drink wine, to rip the dog meat to eat, eats the bouillon. the manufacture pig bouillon enters, must use to boil dog's stock, adds the ripe dog shredded meat, the refined salt, the hot pepper surface, the coriander, the onion silk, the ripe sesame seed, molates, matches the soy sauce, the mustard sauce, the fragrant-flowered garlic cauliflower and the hot pepper surface at will again, fresh salty spicy, its taste boils the good dog meat to scatter the silk extremely, adds the onion silk, Jiang Mo, the garlic end, the coriander, the clear salt, the ripe sesame seed, meat of fragrance the food is not rank, fragrant spicy tasty. the boiled dog heart, the kidney, the liver and so on cut Large expanse, may also add on states the seasoning, mixes the cooked food, these also entertain visitor's traditional wine and food.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 14:33

Korean dog meat-use hospitality guests. Guests have to buy a dog, killed after Daipizhucheng Gourou Tang, coupled with Liangban food, hospitality guests drinking and tear of dog meat to eat, drink broth.
Tang into the proction of pork, cook to use the original dog soup, and cooked dog meat, silk, salt, pepper face, coriander, Congsi, cooked sesame, molation, and then arbitrarily with soy sauce, mustard sauce, and chili-Jiu Caihua, fresh Xianla, its flavor is the dog煮好spread into silk, and Congsi, ginger, minced garlic, coriander, salt-and cooked sesame seeds, food is not Rouxiang Xing, spicy taste.
Cooked dog heart, Yaozai, chopped liver, and other films, can also increase the spices, Bancheng dishes, these are also the traditional hospitality guests Jiuyao.
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