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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 14:44



热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 07:41

36. In Medical English, terminal means C
A. chronic diseases at times subside
B. an increase in the severity of a disease
C. end in death
D. the return of a disease after its apparent cessation
37. “subcutaneous tissue” may be translated into: B
A. 上皮组织
B 皮下组织
C 皮质层
D 真皮层
38. “making great strides in their studies” means: A
A. making great progress in their studies.
B. making great efforts in their studies.
C. breaking their necks to study..
D. making great achievements in their studies.
39. The Chinese meaning of “Truth will prevail” is: B
A 事实胜于雄辩。
B 真理必胜。
C 真理统治一切。
D 真理自在人心。
40. “先天性心脏病” may be translated into: C
A. intrinsic heart disease
B. congenital pericardium.
C. congenital cardiac disease.
D. intrinsic myocardium.

41. The continuous and passive partial contraction of the muscles is called: B
A. motor end plate
B. muscle tone
C. insertion
D. origin.
42. “Don’t aggravate me, Child” may be rendered into: B
B 别惹我生气,孩子。
C 离我远点,孩子。
D 别使我难过,孩子。
43. Which of the following sentences best suits the meaning of the underlined sentence below? C
The pallor of anemia victim could be remedied more effectively by appropriate medical care than by any amount cosmetics means:
A. The victim could be changed more effectively by proper medical care than by any amount cosmetics means;
B. Proper medical care may be more useful than any amount cosmetics to a patient.
C. It is more effective to cure a patient with proper medical care who looks pale from anemia than use any amount of cosmetics.
D. It is more effective to cure anemia with proper medical care than use any amount of cosmetics.
44. “Failure to treat pronounced curvatures can result in medical problems later in life, including obvious physical deformity, pain and arthritic symptoms, and heart and lung disorder” pronounced here means: A
A. obvious
B. acute
C. chronic
D. very great or noticeable
45. The heel of Achilles means: B
A. the strong point in a person’s character B. the weak spot in a person’s character
C. someone’s heel D. someone’s dislikes
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