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what a dream英语作文和翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 15:40



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 13:46


what a dream
I have a dream, and I hope one day it will come true. I dream that I have a harmonious family. I dream that my parents wouldn't scold me when I make mistakes, instead they patiently teach me how correct them. I dream that there were no quarrels or fightings in my family. When the family members argue, they smile and understand and respect each other. I dream that every one in my family is healthy, and they never suffer from illness. I dream that all the people in the family have their job that they love very much, they work but never complain. This is my dream, I will work hard to realize it.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 13:46

My dream is to be a reporter As a reporter, I will meet many interesting people. I like to talk with the different people. And I am interested in the new things . I want other people to know what I know. So I like to be a reporter. Of course, I try my best to write in school. It is necessary for the reporter to write well. Now , I must practice writing and reading more.It is very important for me to become a reporter.
what a dream英语作文带翻译

"What a Dream" is a title that suggests the topic of dreaming. Dreams can be a source of fascination, confusion, and inspiration that have captivated humans for centuries.梦幻般的体验 “ What a Dream ”这个标题暗示了梦境的主题。梦境是一个充满着魅惑、困惑和灵感的源泉,数世纪以来一...

用What a dream写一篇英语作文带翻译


六年级英语作文《What a dream》并带翻释!翻译!!

My dream is to be a reporter As a reporter, I will meet many interesting people. I like to talk with the different people. And I am interested in the new things . I want other people to know what I know. So I like to be a reporter. Of course, I try my best to wr...

what a dream英语作文和翻译

what a dream I have a dream, and I hope one day it will come true. I dream that I have a harmonious family. I dream that my parents wouldn't scold me when I make mistakes, instead they patiently teach me how correct them. I dream that there were no quarrels or fighti...

what a dream英语作文

what a dream 英语作文 篇1 Everyone has a lot of dreams.Some people want to be rich,dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight.Others want to be famous,dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame.I have a lot of dreams,too.When I was a young girl,I dreamed of becoming a ...

what a dream英语作文,急急急!(尽量是梦到大海或在天空飞)

My dream is to be a reporter As a reporter, I will meet many interesting people. I like to talk with the different people. And I am interested in the new things . I want other people to know what I know. So I like to be a reporter. Of course, I try my best to ...

What a dream!英语作文小学急

My dream is to be a reporter As a reporter, I will meet many interesting people. I like to talk with the different people. And I am interested in the new things . I want other people to know what I know. So I like to be a reporter. Of course, I try my best to ...

以what a dream 为题的英语作文(十句话)

best. I consider it a pleasure and the best choice for me to work as a teacher of English.In a word, the teacher's job is very important, necessary and valuable. I'm determined to devote all my life to the cause of education. I do hope my dream will come true soon.

小学英语作文,what a dream

what happened. In my dream I was on a bed attempting to go to sleep, but every time I close my eyes I would feel a strange discomforting feeling that is surrounding me. At the end I was so determined to have a dream that I woke up from frustration. What a weird dream...

用what a dream为题写一篇英语作文,不少于五句话

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