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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 16:44



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 19:14

Daddy's Speeding - Suede
Whiplash caught the silver son

Took the film to No.1

Crashed the car and left us here

Broken glass for teenage boys

Trapped in steel and celluloid

Crashed the car and left us here

And daddy burned a million eyes

Dared the dogs to criticise

He crashed the car and I was born

And daddy turned a million heads

Took the teenage dream to bed

He crashed the car and left us here

With dreams of gasoline drying our eyes

Green fields of destiny high in the sky

But oh can you see him

Oh daddy's speeding

Whiplash caught the silver son

Killed the sad american

Crashed the car and left us here

And sorrow turns his eyes to mine

Come with me now it's your time

Let's crash the car and I'll be born

And sorrow breaks the silent day

Takes the teenage boys away

They crash the cars and leave us here

With dreams of gasoline drying our eyes

Green fields and death machines high in the sky

But oh can you see him

Oh when daddy's speeding
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