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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 21:02



热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 08:55

For some students, English is very difficult to learn. It's true that English is different from other subjects. Because we

learn other subjects in Chinese. We know Chinese much earlier than English. So Chinese influences our English learning. Do

you want to learn English well? And then I'll be very glad to share the experiences. The most important thing is to remember

four "C"s.
First, "Carefulness". You must be careful when you do anything, and also, when you learn English. Many students make simple

mistakes at times. 'Cause they are not careful enough. Also, many students don't regard English learning as an important

thing. But we all know that English is the most widely used language in the world. As we are growing up, English is becoming

more and more important in our life. So, when you learn English, please be careful. Further more, you also need to "listen"

carefully. At school, listen carefully when you learn in class. The teacher can tell us a lot. If you have chances to speak

to foreigners from English-spoken country, you should listen to them carefully. Pay attention to their pronunciations and

ways to express.
Next, "Confidence" & "Courage". Many Chinese students are troubled by spoken English. Of course there is a reason about the

language environment. However, the more important thing is that some of us are not confident enough to "open the mouth". When

we meet some foreigners, we hardly speak to them if they don't speak to us. "Confidence" & "Courage" are what we need. We can

practice our English at home. Find a mirror and then speak to ourselves. Then you may feel more relaxed and comfortable than

speaking to others. Don't afraid to make mistakes. But also be careful, don't make mistakes that you know what is right.
The last one is "Curiosity". You need to keep curious. Interest is the best teacher. When you read an English article, see

an English movie, watch some English programs or when you join any other events about English, you should keep curious. If

you learn a new word, then guess the meaning before you use the dictionary. If you find a sentence that you consider very

meaningful, then you can write it down and collect all of them. If you keep curious about English, you may find learning

English is so interesting. Can't you learn English well then?
These are my suggestions of English learning. And I hope it can be helpful for you.And thank you all for listening.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 08:56

I have learnt English for about six years, and I find that I become more and more interested in English.Perhaps some students think English is boring and difficult,I will tell you English will never be your enemy if you are command of some useful ways in learning English, the ways go as follows:
First,it is absolutely nessary to listen carefully in your English class, even what the teacher teach you have understood, remerber: it is harmless for you to learn one thing twice.
Second,Not only should you spend 15-30min in listening English, but also you should go to English Cornor to practise you oral English once a week. As we all know, in nowadays, listining and speaking is far more important than written English.
Third,you can also read some small stories written in English,it can improve you comprehension in English, if you persist in reading English every day, I'm sure your English will soon be improved.
Those are my experience in learning English,there must have something been omitted,I'm pleased to listen to your experience in English.
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