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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 23:01



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 16:35

The Aomen badminton public competition pulls open the war prelude

New China net Aomen, October 2 - (Reporter Xu Zheng) in 2007the Aomen badminton public competition on 2nd will pull open the warprelude in Aomen's technical institute stadium, Chinese team's men'ssingles senior general Lindane and female single master Zhang Ningjunfuture participates.

This session of Aomen public competition is in 2008 in a BeijingOlympic Games integral match station, attracted has come from 19countries and the area approximately 300 contestants comes toparticipate. The Chinese team also sent out Bao spring to come, XieXingfang, Huang Sui, to be high □□ and so on the personparticipates.

陶菲克, South Korean team's plain Cheng Huan, Chinese Hong Kongteam's Zhou Mi which in addition, comes master which participates inthe contention also to include Indonesian team and so on. According tothe original competition schele, Lindane possibly in fourth turnmeets one another with old match 陶菲克, but because Lindane futurewill participate, 陶菲克 became this session of public competitionsmen's singles to win the championship is most greatly popular.

Chinese team's Huang Sui indicated that, the Chinese team at presenttrains the time to be less, hoped can practice by the matchgeneration, prepares for war the Olympic Games. "Although this yearcompetes quite much, the training time relatively reced, but we canwhole-heartedly treat the competition, hoped can obtain the result inAomen." (End)
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