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no bootable device found 怎么解决...28

发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-05 12:08



热心网友 时间:2024-09-24 21:15

no bootable devicd found,意思是:没有发现可用的启动设备。









热心网友 时间:2024-09-24 21:14

没有找到可启动设备,童鞋,是不是你的硬盘有问题了 ?

热心网友 时间:2024-09-24 21:14

电脑开机提示no bootable devices found解决办法!

热心网友 时间:2024-09-24 21:13


热心网友 时间:2024-09-24 21:15

Recommend the best answer to 2017-09-07 20:35:06
No bootable DEVICD found means: no available boot device has been found.
This problem arises because the system does not start the system when it is activated in the boot sequence set by BIOS. So there's a hint above.
Most of these problems are due to the fact that BIOS does not detect hard disk or other hardware resources that have a bootable system.
Confirm that the hard disk has a systematic situation before it is confirmed.
Please check the data connection of the hard disk and the connection of the power supply.
Enter the BIOS setting to see if the hard disk is detected.
If the hard disk is not detected, it may be a problem with the data line, a problem with the power supply line, or a failure of the hard disk. If you have detected the hard disk, it is recommended that the disk management software be formatted once and then reinstall the system.
If there is no hard disk system, and other hardware resources that can be started, you need to detect the hardware resources with the boot system, such as the drive, USB devices, and so on.
To enter the BOOT option of BIOS, please press the F2 or del or F10 to enter the button set by BIOS when you turn on the machine. After entering the BIOS settings, pay attention to finding the content about BOOT.
This reply is recommended by Liu Congcong, a computer network expert. 1821
Horns of red bean 205
Adoption rate: 88% from the team: software problem set: good at: stock economics research business / Finance
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There is no boot device available. Children's shoes. Is there something wrong with your hard disk?
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