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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-05 20:01



热心网友 时间:2023-12-03 03:18

Ribs 300g, chicken 1/2, fresh ck 1/2 only 100g, Yunnan ham, ginger 1 block (50g), 2 tsp salt (10g), cooked vermicelli 200g, fresh Grass Carp 80g, fresh pork tenderloin 80g, quail egg 1, leeks chives 30g 30g, 30g 30g, mustard, green bean sprouts, salt 1 teaspoon(5g), white pepper powder 1/2 teaspoon (3G).
The proction process
  1.排骨、鲜鸡、鲜鸭洗净,斩成大块,分别放入沸水,滚去血沫,捞出冲洗干净; 2.把上面材料和拍散的姜块、云南火腿一同放入高压锅(或大砂锅),加入约为固体材料4-5倍的水,先大火烧开,再转为小火,煨制一小时以上; 3.调入盐,最后成品应该是浓浓白白的汤汁,表面飘着一层明油; 4.将鲜草鱼肉和鲜里脊肉,分别切成极薄的肉片待用(为防表面变干,可以先码好,蒙上保鲜膜); 5.将沸腾的浓汤盛入保温的大碗,依次平放入鲜鱼肉片、鲜里脊肉片、绿豆芽、榨菜和韭菜,放入生鹌鹑蛋,放盐和白胡椒粉; 6.放置2分钟后,再放入沸水烫过的米线,撒上香葱即可。
1 ribs, chicken, fresh ck washed, cut into large pieces, respectively, into the boiling water,roll Xue Mo, remove and rinse; 2 the above materials and the beat of ginger powder, Yunnan ham together into a pressure cooker (or casserole), add the solid material is about 4-5 times of water, boil the fire first, and then to a small fire, stewing over an hour; 3, transferred to salt, the final proct should be a thick white soup, surface with a layer of clear oil; 4 will befresh fish and fresh tenderloin cut into thin slices, respectively use (to prevent the surface dry, can be the first good code, fresh keeping film cast); 5 Sheng will be boiling soup into the bowl of insulation, followed by flat into the fish meat, fresh pork loin, bean sprouts, mustard and chives, into the raw quail egg, salt and white pepper; 6 place after 2 minutes, and then placed in boiling water burns the noodle, sprinkle with scallions.
Method for making vermicelli raw material
  将大米倒入木桶,用凉水浸泡半小时,放掉水,控干,将米碾成面,或用粉碎机将米粉碎成面。 将米面加凉水合成耙。水、面比例以和好后面耙表面能自然聚成平面为宜,面不成疙瘩,比和元宵面稀一些。 将和好的耙送入米线压榨机(旧法手工操作,使用十分笨重、庞大的压米线器械)。 15分钟后即成熟米线。将米线晾24小时,使之回生,用水浸泡散开。
The rice into the barrel, using cold water soak for half an hour, let go of water, control dry,will be crushed into surface or meters, meters will be crushed into surface grinder. Add cold water to rice rake synthesis. Water, surface and good proportion to the back rake surfacecan naturally into the plane as appropriate, not into a knot, and thin face some lantern. Willand rake into the noodle press (the old manual operation method, using the pressure meterinstrument is very heavy, bulky). 15 minutes after the mature rice vermicelli. The line to dry for 24 hours, so that retrogradation, water immersion to disperse.
Soup preparing method
  将猪排骨斩马,大骨斩断,与鸡、鸭、火腿一同下锅煮熟。先急火烧开,然后慢火煨煮,但不要把各种汤料煮化。火腿早些捞出,鸡、鸭分别捞出,仍可作冷盘用料。大骨继续煮熬,以敖出骨油,溶出钙质。汤里可放胡椒粉、味精、盐巴。也可只放盐巴。 鲜料制法:远用淡水鱼,以嫩无腥气者为佳,洗净,片成极薄的生鱼片,与片切得薄如纸的生鲜里脊片同摆在大盘内,将豆腐皮、玉米片(或鲜笋片)、水发木耳都洗净改刀放入盘内,香菜、葱切花(如用其它鲜灵小料如豌豆苗等均切小花)、熟芝麻,撒入汤碗内。 吃时米线、汤碗、鲜料分装在三件餐具内一剂上桌,把鲜料夹地热汤碗(汤面必须有一层封面油,汤温较高)烫熟,再夹进米线配鲜料吃。
Pig rib chop horses, big bone cut off, with chicken, ck, ham, cooked with the pot. Anxious to open fire first, and then low heat simmer cook, but do not cook all kinds of soup. Ham andchicken, cks were earlier, remove, can still be cold material. Big bone continue to boil, to Ao a bone oil, dissolved calcium. Soup can be put pepper, monosodium glutamate, salt. Can only put salt. Fresh material preparation method: using fresh water fish, with tender withoutfishy is preferred, wash, slice into very thin slices of raw fish, and as thin as paper of thefresh pork fillet with placed within the broader market, the bean curd, corn flakes (or freshbamboo shoots), water fat fungus are cleaning the knife into the tray the spring onion,coriander, (as with other fresh spirit small material such as pea seedlings were cut flowers),cooked sesame seeds, sprinkle soup. When eating rice noodle, Tang Wan, fresh materialwith a table in the three dishes, the fresh material folder geothermal Tang Wan (soup must have a cover layer of oil, high Tang Wen) boiled, and then clip into the noodle with eat fresh material.

热心网友 时间:2023-12-03 03:19

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1 ribs, chicken, fresh duck washed, cut into large pieces, respectively, into the boiling water,roll Xue Mo, remove and rinse; 2 the above materials and the beat of ginger powder, Yunnan ham together into a pressure cooker (or casserole), add the solid material is about 4-5...

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