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Bring on the Night 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 01:07



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 23:03

歌曲名:Bring on the Night
歌手:The Police
专辑:Message in a Box

by zjxable
The afternoon has gently passed me by
The evening spreads itself against the sky
Waiting for tomorrow, just another day
God bid yesterday good-bye
Bring on the night
I couldn't spend another hour of daylight
Bring on the night
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
The future is but a question mark
Can't see for the brightness is staring me blind
God bid yesterday good-bye
Bring on the night
I couldn't spend another hour of daylight
Bring on the night
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
Bring on the night
I couldn't spend another hour of daylight
Bring on the night
I couldn't stand another hour of daylight

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