发布时间:2022-05-01 13:36
时间:2023-09-14 19:22
/i/ (long e)
e me he she we be we ye these (单音节词尾或重读相对开音节中)
ee reeds eel peel bee see feet sweet meet
ea eagle meat leaf pea peach peanut sea tea
ie field priest brief grieve piece achieve
i machine prestige ski naive
ei receipt receive seize either neither
/ɪ/ (short i)
i lick six bib kiss pig pin hill give active excessive alternative
y myth symbol myth baby dizzy happy pony sunny rainy puppy agency quality trilogy photography
a accurate passionate unfortunate
u busy minute
e landed skated celebrated
ui build building
/ɛ/ (short e)
e bed red bell well egg Meg beg peg net jet wet
ea head lead read sweat sweater leather feather
ie friend
ue guest
ai again said
ay says
/æ/ (short a)
a at bat mat map cap bag rag an fan man ran van apple
au laugh
ai plaid
a car arm armchair cart card garden park father lama sonata
e sergeant
ea heart hearty
/ɑ/ (short o)
o ox box on octupus socks operate ostrich
a wash watch want
ow knowledge
/ɔ/ (aw)
o dog lost soft gone corn fort form horn morning porch pork territory dormitory category
a salt false war warn quarrel warning award
al ball call tall wall fall talk walk
aw paw saw draw strawberry straw lawn
au August sauce sausage naughty applause caught taught
ou ought thought bought sought besought fought
/ʊ/ (short oo)
oo book took hook look cookie woods cook wool woolen
u put look sugar
o woman
ou could should would
/u/ (long oo)
oo boots moon noon spoon food mood roof room rooster zoo
u rude intrude salute Sue blue glue
o do who two whom tomb womb move movie shoe
ou you through silhouette
ui suit fruit juice
ew blew flew chew
/ʌ/ (short u)
u sun gun umbrella uncle under nut
o one done none son mother brother
ou enough southern
/ɝ/ (long schwa+r)
er mermaid were
ir dirt dirty fir sir bird circle circus
ur fur turtle turkey burn turn purse nurse
/ə/ (schwa)
a ago about
e quiet happen
i direct possible
o today second
u album circus
/e/ (long a)
a-e cape tape name same game shame Mae celebrate evaluate decorate
ai jail nail rail tail pain rain paint maid paid
ay bay ray lay pay May hay say gray
ei eight weight sleigh
e cafe
ey they hey
/o/ (long o)
o go goes rose nose pose rope
ou though soul
oa toad road load coal goal soap toast
ow rainbow pillow hollow bowl low yellow window row
/aɪ/ (long i)
i bite kite white five tight sight right night high sigh die pie lie tie emphasize mind kind child
y sky shy my cry spy dry fly type cycle dynamic hyper analyze clarify identify specify
uy buy
ey eye
/aʊ/ (ow)
ow cow brown clown crown owl towel tower
ou out shout count fountain house mouse mouth mountain
/ɔɪ/ (oi)
oi boil coil coin noise oil point poison soil
oy boy cowboy oyster soy toy
ear year ear earphone tear
ere here sincere
air air hair chair pair stairs
are hare stare dare rare scare
ere there where
eyre they're
er stereo
ear bear pear tear
err terrible
ar contrary primary dictionary
oor poor
our your tour tourist tourism
ure sure insure assure
ur assurance insurance
ore more store before
our four pour
oar soar board coarse
oor door floor
/p/ p pants park path pear pen pencil pig pink
/b/ b bed book bench box banana bird body boy
/t/ t two ten table tea teacher tie toe towel accurate passionate certificate celebrate demonstrate accumulate
d jumped wished liked
/d/ d desk doctor deer ck doll dog dancer door cried saved included invade persuade barricade
/k/ c cap count car coffee cat cow cake cup comic specific idealistic
k kangaroo kettle key kick king kiss kitchen kite
q question quarrel queen quiet quilt
qu antique unique boutique liquor conquor
ch chorus chaos ache
/g/ g garden goat gate goose golf gold anger language single
gu league vague intrigue
/f/ f food family four foot five fence fork father classify specify identify
ph photo elephant telephone trophy pharmacy alphabet geography photography philosophy
gh laugh cough enough
/v/ v van vase veil vest village violin vomit have active excessive alternative active
f of
/s/ s seven sign silver sink six soap sofa sun kiss curious cautious dangerous laughs psychology
c circle cent cycle city medicine center license bounce
sc science muscle descend
x /ks/ ax box X-ray next oxygen
/z/ z zero zoo zebra zipper emphasize
s visit his because exercise improvise boys cars finishes tourism journalism activism as is those
/θ/ th bath bathmat mouth teeth thief thirsty three thumb
/ð/ th brother father feather leather mother
/ʃ/ sh dish fish push sheep shirt shoes shovel
ch chef machine moustache
t station solution intuition cautious partial initial ambitious nutritious
s passion admission expansion pressure assure insure sugar issue
c special precious spacious ocean
/ʒ/ s version conclusion decision leisure measure exposure casual usual visual
g genre beige garage massage
x /gʒ/ luxurious
z seizure
/r/ r rabbit rainbow rain rock rooster rose rug rope write wrinkle wrap wreath wrist engineer pioneer volunteer
/h/ h hat hen head home hand hammer house horse
wh who whole whose whom
j Navajo San Jose
/ʧ/ ch beach bench chair cheese cherry chicken church lunch
tch patch match kitchen Tchaikovsky
t question exhaustion suggestion
c cello concerto
/ʤ/ j jacket jam jar jeep jelly jewel juice jump
g giant logic imagine gentle agenda age trilogy apology mythology
dg budget bridge edge
d procere ecate schele
/ts/ ts boots cats mats hits seats students tsunami
z pizza
tz hertz quartz waltz
/dz/ ds thirds friends ads grades rides
z stanza
/tr/ tr tractor train tray triangle trolley truck trunk
/dr/ dr dry dream dress drink drive drop drum
/m/ m man map math milk monkey moon mother mouth lamb crumb comb bomb thumb
/n/ n nail napkin neck nest net nose number nest knob knee knock knit pneumonia
/ŋ/ ng hung spring song laughing expecting remembering
n ankle link bank uncle function extinct
/l/ l lake leaf lemon light lion lips live likely finally audible terribly
/hw/ wh whale wheat wheel wheelchair whip whisper whistle white
/w/ w Walkman woman wall wash watch wind window word
u quiet queen quick
o choir memoir
/j/ y yam yellow yoyo yacht year (y在字首,被看作辅音)