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海洋之歌推广曲叫什么 海洋之歌中文主题曲叫什么

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 11:48



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 15:19

Broken clouds along the blue horizon
The sun is setting and the wind is dying down
Outward bound, there is music all around
Can you hear it, it's the song of the sea
Soundings taken at the edge of darkness
The widest silences the heart can ever hear
Dan Fogelberg
You can steer to the stars along your lee
Set you bearings to the, the song of the sea
Oh and the song is as ancient as the days
And the winds upon the waves
Let it carry you away, so far away
Trim my sails to greet the breaking morning
Past the headlands to the rolling open sea
And it comes to me, i have never felt so free
Oh and the song is as ancient as the days
And the winds upon the waves
Let it carry me away, so far away
Some were meant to watch the world from windows
And never look beyond the road beneath their feet
But for me, i was always meant to be
One forever chasing the song of the sea
The song of the sea
The song of the sea

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 15:19

Broken clouds along the blue horizon
The sun is setting and the wind is dying down
Outward bound, there is music all around
Can you hear it, it's the song of the sea
Soundings taken at the edge of darkness
The widest silences the heart can ever hear
Dan Fogelberg
You can steer to the stars along your lee
Set you bearings to the, the song of the sea
Oh and the song is as ancient as the days
And the winds upon the waves
Let it carry you away, so far away
Trim my sails to greet the breaking morning
Past the headlands to the rolling open sea
And it comes to me, i have never felt so free
Oh and the song is as ancient as the days
And the winds upon the waves
Let it carry me away, so far away
Some were meant to watch the world from windows
And never look beyond the road beneath their feet
But for me, i was always meant to be
One forever chasing the song of the sea
The song of the sea
The song of the sea
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