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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 10:00



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 07:02

The depth of focus and the use of tax data is a very complex, integrated in the overall work. Focus on the use of data on the basis of the data in depth, but for a comprehensive analysis of the tax revenue. Tax and economic contrast, not only to create a unified data system to build a centralized data system. and tax analysis system. This paper is the use of the current tax system data analysis of the situation. and how to integrate and make full use of information resources and other aspects were discussed. including data and try to set up the entire system to the tax system, as well as centralized data analysis system. China currently use the system to conct a comprehensive analysis of the tax assessment, and then based on the above analysis, to further explore and improve the scientific analysis of China's tax revenue overall level of information management policies and measures.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 07:02

The tax revenue data centralism and the depth use work is an item extremely complex, comprehensive overall situation work. The data centralism is the data depth use foundation, moreover, in order to synthesize comprehensively analyzes the tax revenue the organization income situation, the tax revenue and the economical contrast situation, not only must establish the unified data target system, also must establish the data centralism system, as well as tax revenue analysis system. Was this article the situation, how the question which faces to the present tax affairs system data analysis use as well as the conformity and using aspect and so on data resources has fully carried on the discussion, and the attempt has established entire including the data target system, the data centralism system as well as the tax revenue analysis system, used this system to carry on to the present our country tax revenue situation comprehensive has analyzed the appraisal, afterwards based on the above analysis, further sought enhances our country tax revenue information management and the scientific analysis overall level countermeasure and the measure.
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