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It is acceptable to drop out of school to pursue your dreams.

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 12:46



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 02:53

1.may have narrow values(sense of worth)(价值观狭窄)
2.the direct consequence is you will have a lower diploma
3.the people he meet may also narrow and limited
4.lack of specifics(专业技能)
5.college life is important experience in one's life{the colorful dormitory life can teach you how to corperate with others(communication);student union can provide you chances to practice your abilities such as express your own opinion to others;teach you to be independent}
6.may face discrimination
7.stay in college will have a long benifits to peolpe than those who don't accept the colledge ecation
8.the various and rich resources in college(hardware and software,such as prefessor,library,etc) also has advantages
9.in a word,you will meet a tough environment than those who accept the higher ecation
10.it is easy to find a boyfriend or girlfriend in college,that is pure relationship than you can have after you entre society。O(∩_∩)O哈哈~
11.also you can find your mentor there
自己整理下嘛 该发散就发散 该举例就举例

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 02:54

>students should finish their ecation in order to prepare themselves to pursue their dreams.
>if they did not finish school, they will face a harder competition with thoes who have higher ecation.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 02:54

虽然会花点钱 但肯定比在这儿找到的好 也专业的多
或者问问你周围的朋友 有没有谁认识英语比较好的 你可以自己写个中文的底稿 然后让那个英语好的翻译成英文就可以了 就像论文的英文摘要一样
在这里找答案的话 说实话机会比较渺茫 真的

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 02:55

太难了吧 反面教材倒是不少

具体我建议LZ去百度搜 辍学 失败 关键字
is it acceptable to drop out of school to pursue your dreams
因为你所辨的是反方,历史上不是有很多这样的反面教材么?想比尔盖茨好像就是一个吧,找着看自己..... 信息了 .may have narrow values(sense of worth)(价值观狭窄)
2.the direct consequence is you will have a lower diploma
3.the people he meet may also narrow and limited
4.lack of specifics(专业技能)
5.college life is important experience in one's life{the colorful dormitory life can teach you how to corperate with others(communication);student union can provide you chances to practice your abilities such as express your own opinion to others;teach you to be independent}
6.may face discrimination
7.stay in college will have a long benifits to peolpe than those who don't accept the colledge ecation
8.the various and rich resources in college(hardware and software,such as prefessor,library,etc) also has advantages
9.in a word,you will meet a tough environment than those who accept the higher ecation
10.it is easy to find a boyfriend or girlfriend in college,that is pure relationship than you can have after you entre society。O(∩_∩)O哈哈~
11.also you can find your mentor there
自己整理下嘛 该发散就发散 该举例就举例

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 02:55

1.may have narrow values(sense of worth)(价值观狭窄)
2.the direct consequence is you will have a lower diploma
3.lack of specialty ability(专业技能)
4.college life is important experience in one's life{the school life can teach you how to corperate with others(communication);student union can provide you chances to practice your abilities such as express your own opinion to others and persuade others to listen to you;teach you to be independent}
5.may face discrimination in the future life
6.stay in college will have a long benifits to peolpe than those who don't accept the colledge ecation, such as cope with difficulty
7.the various and rich resources in college(hardware and software,such as prefessor,library,etc) also has a great deal of advantages
8.in addition,you will meet a tougher environment than those who accept the higher ecation, such as it is hard for the one who didn't finish college learning to be the leader
9.it is easy to find a boyfriend or girlfriend in college,there is just pure relationship
10.also you can find your mentor there who can help you find yourself or your future success
11, give some examples that the one who haven't finished learning are having a harder life and those who have finished had a good life(this is ver important, as both parties in the debate can talk back with the proper example, so you should have a sufficent preparation.)

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 02:56

It is not acceptable to drop out of school to pursue your dreams, because if you do so, you will not get the valuable ecation you need, alas you cannot pursue anything, since you lack the experience many are looking for. You will face competition in everything you do, and you will be defeated in everything you try. You will face discrimination amongst your friends, and other people, since you will not be successful in life. Your friends will turn their backs on you, since they think you are not worthy to be their friend. Since you lack the experience, even if you try to pursue your dreams, they will remain a dream, and most likely never to come true.
不知道我这样写行不行。如果你觉得我的Support不多的话,可以加一些别的高手的答案 呵呵~

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 02:53

1.may have narrow values(sense of worth)(价值观狭窄)
2.the direct consequence is you will have a lower diploma
3.the people he meet may also narrow and limited
4.lack of specifics(专业技能)
5.college life is important experience in one's life{the colorful dormitory life can teach you how to corperate with others(communication);student union can provide you chances to practice your abilities such as express your own opinion to others;teach you to be independent}
6.may face discrimination
7.stay in college will have a long benifits to peolpe than those who don't accept the colledge ecation
8.the various and rich resources in college(hardware and software,such as prefessor,library,etc) also has advantages
9.in a word,you will meet a tough environment than those who accept the higher ecation
10.it is easy to find a boyfriend or girlfriend in college,that is pure relationship than you can have after you entre society。O(∩_∩)O哈哈~
11.also you can find your mentor there
自己整理下嘛 该发散就发散 该举例就举例

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 02:54

>students should finish their ecation in order to prepare themselves to pursue their dreams.
>if they did not finish school, they will face a harder competition with thoes who have higher ecation.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 02:54

虽然会花点钱 但肯定比在这儿找到的好 也专业的多
或者问问你周围的朋友 有没有谁认识英语比较好的 你可以自己写个中文的底稿 然后让那个英语好的翻译成英文就可以了 就像论文的英文摘要一样
在这里找答案的话 说实话机会比较渺茫 真的

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 02:55

太难了吧 反面教材倒是不少

具体我建议LZ去百度搜 辍学 失败 关键字
is it acceptable to drop out of school to pursue your dreams
因为你所辨的是反方,历史上不是有很多这样的反面教材么?想比尔盖茨好像就是一个吧,找着看自己..... 信息了 .may have narrow values(sense of worth)(价值观狭窄)
2.the direct consequence is you will have a lower diploma
3.the people he meet may also narrow and limited
4.lack of specifics(专业技能)
5.college life is important experience in one's life{the colorful dormitory life can teach you how to corperate with others(communication);student union can provide you chances to practice your abilities such as express your own opinion to others;teach you to be independent}
6.may face discrimination
7.stay in college will have a long benifits to peolpe than those who don't accept the colledge ecation
8.the various and rich resources in college(hardware and software,such as prefessor,library,etc) also has advantages
9.in a word,you will meet a tough environment than those who accept the higher ecation
10.it is easy to find a boyfriend or girlfriend in college,that is pure relationship than you can have after you entre society。O(∩_∩)O哈哈~
11.also you can find your mentor there
自己整理下嘛 该发散就发散 该举例就举例

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 02:55

1.may have narrow values(sense of worth)(价值观狭窄)
2.the direct consequence is you will have a lower diploma
3.lack of specialty ability(专业技能)
4.college life is important experience in one's life{the school life can teach you how to corperate with others(communication);student union can provide you chances to practice your abilities such as express your own opinion to others and persuade others to listen to you;teach you to be independent}
5.may face discrimination in the future life
6.stay in college will have a long benifits to peolpe than those who don't accept the colledge ecation, such as cope with difficulty
7.the various and rich resources in college(hardware and software,such as prefessor,library,etc) also has a great deal of advantages
8.in addition,you will meet a tougher environment than those who accept the higher ecation, such as it is hard for the one who didn't finish college learning to be the leader
9.it is easy to find a boyfriend or girlfriend in college,there is just pure relationship
10.also you can find your mentor there who can help you find yourself or your future success
11, give some examples that the one who haven't finished learning are having a harder life and those who have finished had a good life(this is ver important, as both parties in the debate can talk back with the proper example, so you should have a sufficent preparation.)

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 02:56

It is not acceptable to drop out of school to pursue your dreams, because if you do so, you will not get the valuable ecation you need, alas you cannot pursue anything, since you lack the experience many are looking for. You will face competition in everything you do, and you will be defeated in everything you try. You will face discrimination amongst your friends, and other people, since you will not be successful in life. Your friends will turn their backs on you, since they think you are not worthy to be their friend. Since you lack the experience, even if you try to pursue your dreams, they will remain a dream, and most likely never to come true.
不知道我这样写行不行。如果你觉得我的Support不多的话,可以加一些别的高手的答案 呵呵~
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