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初学者sql server 语句怎么写

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-09 08:17



热心网友 时间:2022-04-09 09:46


use master

if exists(select * from sysdatabases where name='MySchool') --判断MySchool是否存在
 drop DATABASE MySchool --如果数据库存在则删掉数据库

create DATABASE MySchool
PRIMARY --创建主数据库文件
log on --创建日志文件

use MySchool

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM  sysobjects  WHERE  name='Student' )
create table Student
 StudentNo nvarchar(50) not null,
 LoginPwd nvarchar(20) not null,
 StudentName nvarchar(50) not null,
 Sex char(2) not null,
 GradeId int not null,
 Phone nvarchar(20) not null,
 Address nvarchar(255) null,
 BornDate datetime null,
 Email nvarchar(50) null
IF exists (select * from sysobjects where name='Subject')
Drop table Subject
create table Subject
 SubjectId int identity(1,1) not null,
 SubjectName nvarchar(20) not null,
 ClassHour int not null,
 GradeId int not null
If exists(select * from sysobjects where name='Result')
drop table Result
create table Result
 Id int identity(1,1) not null,
 StudentNo nvarchar(50) not null,
 SubjectId int not null,
 StudentResult int not null,
 ExamDate smalldatetime not null
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='Grade')
drop table Grade
create table Grade
 GradeId int identity(1,1) not null,
 GradeName nvarchar(50) not null


alter table Grade --主键约束
add constraint PK_Grade_GradeId Primary key(GradeId)

alter table Student --主键约束
add constraint PK_Student_StudentNo Primary key(StudentNo)
alter table Student --长度约束
add constraint CK_Student_LoginPwd check( len (LoginPwd)>=6)
alter table Student --密码默认约束
add constraint DF_Student_LoginPwd default ('123456') for LoginPwd
alter table Student --地址默认约束
add constraint DF_Student_Address default ('学生宿舍') for Address
alter table Student --检查约束
add constraint CK_Student_sex check (sex = ('男') or sex = ('女'))
alter table Student --外键约束
add constraint FK_Student_GradeId
 foreign key (GradeId) references Grade(GradeId)
alter table Student --Email约束
add constraint CK_Student_Email check (email like ('%@%'))

alter table Subject --主键约束
add constraint PK_Student_SubjectId Primary key(SubjectId)
alter table Subject --大于0
add constraint CK_Subject_ClassHour check (ClassHour > 0)

alter table Result --主键约束
add constraint PK_Result_Id Primary key(Id)
alter table [dbo].[Result] --必须在0~100之间
add constraint CK_Result_StudentResult check(StudentResult > 0 and StudentResult < 100)

exec sp_helpconstraint 'Student'  --查询所有约束


insert Grade(GradeName)  --使用insert...select语句一次插入多行数据
select 'S1' union
select 'S2' union
select 'Y2'
insert into Student(StudentNo, LoginPwd, StudentName, Sex, GradeId, Phone, Address, BornDate, Email)

insert into Student(StudentNo, LoginPwd, StudentName, Sex, GradeId, Phone, Address, BornDate)
insert into Student(StudentNo, LoginPwd, StudentName, Sex, GradeId, Phone, Address, BornDate)
insert into Student(StudentNo, LoginPwd, StudentName, Sex, GradeId, Phone, Address, BornDate, Email)
insert into Student(StudentNo, LoginPwd, StudentName, Sex, GradeId, Phone, Address, BornDate)

use MySchool
update Student
set Address = '山东省济南市文化路1号院'
where StudentNo = 'S1201302004'
update Student
set GradeId=2
where StudentNo='S1201302005'
update Subject
set ClassHour='55'
where SubjectName='走进Java编程世界'
update Result
set StudentResult=StudentResult+5
where StudentResult<60
update Result
set StudentResult='55'
where StudentNo='S1201302002' and ExamDate='2013-10-18' and SubjectId=2
update Student
set Email='未知@'
where Email is null

use MySchool
--通讯录表Address_IS(使用insret select语句,该表必须事先存在)
create table Address_IS
 Id int Primary key identity(1,1) not null,
 SName nvarchar(50) not null,
 Phone nvarchar(255) not null,
 Address nvarchar(255) null,
 Email nvarchar(50) null
insert into Address_IS(SName,Phone,Address,Email)
select Student.StudentName,Student.Phone,Student.Address,Student.Email
from Student
--通讯录表Address_SI(使用select into语句,该表不能预先存在)
Select Student.StudentName,Student.Phone,Student.Address,Student.Email
into Address_SI
from Student

use MySchool
delete from Student
where BornDate>'1997-7-1'

use MySchool
insert Subject(SubjectName, ClassHour, GradeId)
select '走进Java编程世界',40,1 union
select 'HTML和CSS网页技术',60,1 union
select 'C#语言和数据库技术',70,1

use MySchool
insert Result(StudentNo, SubjectId, StudentResult, ExamDate)
select 'S1201302001',1,80,'2013-9-13' union
select 'S1201302002',1,45,'2013-9-13' union
select 'S1201302001',2,90,'2013-10-18' union
select 'S1201302002',2,60,'2013-10-18'

use MySchool
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='Grade')
drop table Grade
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='Result')
drop table Result
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='Student')
drop table Student
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='Subject')
drop table Subject
if exists(select * from databases where name='MySchool')
drop database MySchool

热心网友 时间:2022-04-09 11:04


热心网友 时间:2022-04-09 12:39

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