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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 14:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 04:21

自我评价[Self Assessment]
I am a person of a bright and cheerful disposition, and to be honest is my principle, I can always keep my strong spirit of teamwork, I have excellent organisational ability and can always judge things independently; my life goal is bright , and I'm very responsible for my work, I can be hard-working and keep holding my perseverance; Moreover, I have a strong sense of creative and I am willing to learn new things; Considering my characteristics of personality and ability, I hope it that I can make more progress in the the following fields: Project management, channel management, sales, consulting

求职意向[Career Objective]
Available time : in a week
Type of Employment: Full-time
Desired Instry: Trading / Import & Export ; Internet / e-commerce ; New Energy ; medical equipment / device ; Finance / Investment / Securities
Desired Location: Shanghai
Desired Salary: 4500-5999/month
Desired Position:Chief Commissioner/assistant Professional advisers

工作经验【Work Experience】
2012/10-- the present:Shanghai Taikang International Travel Agencies(500-1000)
Field: Hospitality / Tourism
Outbound Department Stroke Management / Operating
Professional Euorpe guides,with strong marketing ability, my job including developing sales plans, putting forwards pricing strategy, and maintaining Customer Relationship.
2010/10--2012/10:Shanghai Donghu International Travel Agencies(1000-5000)
Field: Hospitality / Tourism
Marketing department Business Analysis Manager / director
I'm prmarily responsible for develping the leased line for Japan, the market analysis of the tourist destination and the designing or developing of tourism procts , including quotes ,operation and so on. Supervise and assist with tour operators of the various problems encountered.
2009/7--2010/10: Shanghai Huaxia International Travel Agencies (150-500)
Immigration Department Tourist guide / travel consultant
Guides for tours in Southeast Asia

2006/9 -- 2009/6 Shanghai Normal University, Tourism Management ,junior college
Mainly studied about Travel agencies and hotels, I have learnt some professional skills about the hotel and travelling in college.

2012/5 driving licence c1
2009/1 Tourist Guide Certificate

语言能力【Language Skills】
EnglishLevel Good
Reading&Writing Good
Listening&Speaking Good

Shanghai Level Mastery
Reading&Writing Mastery
Listening&Speaking Mastery

Mandarin Level Mastery
Reading&Writing Mastery
Listening&Speaking Mastery


热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 04:21

自我评价[Self Assessment]
I am a person of a bright and cheerful disposition, and to be honest is my principle, I can always keep my strong spirit of teamwork, I have excellent organisational ability and can always judge things independently; my life goal is bright , and I'm very responsible for my work, I can be hard-working and keep holding my perseverance; Moreover, I have a strong sense of creative and I am willing to learn new things; Considering my characteristics of personality and ability, I hope it that I can make more progress in the the following fields: Project management, channel management, sales, consulting

求职意向[Career Objective]
Available time : in a week
Type of Employment: Full-time
Desired Instry: Trading / Import & Export ; Internet / e-commerce ; New Energy ; medical equipment / device ; Finance / Investment / Securities
Desired Location: Shanghai
Desired Salary: 4500-5999/month
Desired Position:Chief Commissioner/assistant Professional advisers

工作经验【Work Experience】
2012/10-- the present:Shanghai Taikang International Travel Agencies(500-1000)
Field: Hospitality / Tourism
Outbound Department Stroke Management / Operating
Professional Euorpe guides,with strong marketing ability, my job including developing sales plans, putting forwards pricing strategy, and maintaining Customer Relationship.
2010/10--2012/10:Shanghai Donghu International Travel Agencies(1000-5000)
Field: Hospitality / Tourism
Marketing department Business Analysis Manager / director
I'm prmarily responsible for develping the leased line for Japan, the market analysis of the tourist destination and the designing or developing of tourism procts , including quotes ,operation and so on. Supervise and assist with tour operators of the various problems encountered.
2009/7--2010/10: Shanghai Huaxia International Travel Agencies (150-500)
Immigration Department Tourist guide / travel consultant
Guides for tours in Southeast Asia

2006/9 -- 2009/6 Shanghai Normal University, Tourism Management ,junior college
Mainly studied about Travel agencies and hotels, I have learnt some professional skills about the hotel and travelling in college.

2012/5 driving licence c1
2009/1 Tourist Guide Certificate

语言能力【Language Skills】
EnglishLevel Good
Reading&Writing Good
Listening&Speaking Good

Shanghai Level Mastery
Reading&Writing Mastery
Listening&Speaking Mastery

Mandarin Level Mastery
Reading&Writing Mastery
Listening&Speaking Mastery

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