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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 13:12



热心网友 时间:2023-05-05 11:25

We plan Monday for you under the order form, but in front of underlist I can not but to you explain we at present locate the difficultsituation, in yours preceding letter you once mentioned if we cannotprovide the parts number, you will be unable to give us the quotedprice, you worried 11000 because of did not have the parts number tocause to send mistakenly the goods, that will be your responsibility.We understand you very much.

About this ticket goods, when our customer to our inquiry time, wehave first thought of you, but because we cannot provide the partsnumber, you are unable the quoted price, we do not have the means, hasto seek newly supplies goods business, is unremitting in us diligentlyunder, the matter finally had the good favourable turn, new suppliedgoods business to help us to search the parts number and to report theprice, we were very grateful they, but we still wanted to cooperatewith you, after all in front of us has had the very good cooperation,moreover we already fully trusted you, Although that new suppliesgoods business price to be also cheaper than you, but we remainunmoved.

Our customer all is does not have the parts number for ours each orderform, we now the only worry are if next you or because of does nothave the parts number to be unable to give us the quoted price thespeech, our situation very will be difficult, to us said will seekagain newly to supply goods business will be an extremely extremelydifficult matter. Hoped you can understand us. We sincere hoped youwill be able to help us in the later cooperation, even if we will nothave the parts number, you also will be able to provide you the mostsincere help, will help us to confirm the parts number and willprovide the best price. We also very much understand your worry, evenif the future 11,000 had the problem, I thought our both sides alsocan in line with the manner which mutually forgives go to completesolution it.
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