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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 06:40



热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 04:54


热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 04:54


高中英语看图作文1 根据漫画,请以“烟”为题,写一篇短文,描述图片表达的内容,并就此发表你的评论。Smoke This is a funny picture which means a lot. In the picture,a man is *** oking happily in a factory though he sees a sign of“No *** oking" on the wall. But when he ...


看图作文就是要求根据图画(或表格)的内容展开合理的想像,写出文章的一种写作方式.看图作文应做到以下几点: (1)认真读图,弄清大意:读图时要充分理解图画所表达的内容,弄清图中的人物在干什么,弄清图画背景与人物之间的联系,弄清事情发生的经过. (2) 理出要点,拟定提纲:读图之后,要根据图画表达的主要内容,理出表...


求一篇英语作文,是看图作文,有四幅图。 第一副是有个小孩落水了,JohnsBeach处救生员MissRose听到了他的叫喊。第二幅是她扔了一个救生圈过去,套住了那个小孩。第三幅是她慢慢把小孩拉了上来。第四幅是小孩上来后对他的感谢... 第一副是有个小孩落水了,Johns Beach处救生员Miss Rose 听到了他的叫喊。第二幅...

高中英语 作文,看图写作文。80字左右。。

One day, Mary and Tom went to plant trees, they buried the saplings in the earth, watering it. After a month, they come to visit young trees, small trees grow taller, and after a month, they came to see the tree again, this time, the tree grew up, there are a lot ...


a polar bear is sweating all over its body, holding a notice board, read, " Immediate Actions" on TV. However, the man took no notice of the bear and is about to change channel.From the picture, i feel really sorry for the ignorance of human beings. If the only plan...


Today is Dad's Birthday and I wanted to buy him a gift. I decided to go to a local bakery called Wei Duo Mei and buy him a birthday cake. On my way back home I had to take the bus. It was crowded on the bus and all seats were occupied. Although I was already ...


看图英语作文(1)As is vividly shown in the picture above, the picture tells us that in recent years, people in China have witnessed the fact that the issue of environmental pollution has become more common. And it is very common to see that in recent years, the environment has...


This is my school.there are many buildings in my school.There is a big library and we can read in it.we have two Teaching Buildings so everyday we have class there.what's more,our teachers working in the Teachers' office building.Furthermore we have a big playground,when we...


English essay:Looking back on early rural society, the meals in the countryside were all pasta in the north. S tone mills were used to grind crops such as wheat haws to pancakes. On that account, the burro was the best alternative to human beings.In comparison with other ...

急用!!!一篇看图写话的英语作文谁帮我写一下在线求!!主题是保护环境_百 ...

So they ran away fastly from it, and the fox yelled: Run hurrily for living. They had to looking for another place to settle down.We can learn from this picture that we human are destroying the home of wild animals as well as theselves. But we should not have been like t...

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