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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-10 19:31



热心网友 时间:2024-01-16 15:52

UMT’s innovative programs are designed for working professionals who desire to obtain up-to-date management and technology knowledge, skills, and insights. With global competition and rapidly changing technology, lifelong learning is a necessity. Successful professionals need to continually update their skills and knowledge or they risk falling behind.

UMT offers a broad range of programs, including master’s degrees, graate certificates, executive certificates, and professional development programs. These programs focus on contemporary management and technology issues, achieving a balance between theory and practical applications. UMT also provides training and consulting services to companies and government agencies, and carries out research efforts to serve instry, government, and communities.

Our faculty members have extensive management and technology ecation experience working for and with major companies, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies. UMT professors have ecated more than 25,000 managers throughout the world ring the past decade. Our clients include businesses, governments, and nonprofit organizations worldwide.

With convenient evening and weekend classes, students can obtain an ecation on their own time. We also offer courses through distance ecation that allow students to work from the comfort of their home, office, or anywhere else in the world where they can access the Internet.

A UMT ecation is competitively priced. You are not paying for a large campus and a lot of overhead. Instead, you receive a quality graate ecation without breaking the bank.



热心网友 时间:2024-01-16 15:52

Cambridge University

The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the world, and one of the
largest in the United Kingdom. It has a world-wide reputation for outstanding academic
achievement and the high quality of research undertaken in a wide range of science and
arts subjects. The University pioneers work in the understanding of disease, the creation
of new materials, advances in telecommunications and research into the origins of the
universe. It trains doctors, vets, architects, engineers and teachers. At all levels about half
of the students at Cambridge study arts and humanities subjects, many of whom have
gone on to become prominent figures in the arts, print and broadcast media. The University's
achievements in the sciences can be measured by the sixty or more Nobel Prizes awarded
to its members over the years.

The University is a self-governing body: the legislative authority is the Regent House, which
consists of the three thousand or so members of the teaching and administrative staff of the
University and Colleges who have the MA (or MA status) or a higher degree. The principal
administrative body of the University is the Council, which consists mainly of members of the
academic staff elected by the Regent House. The General Board of the Faculties co-ordinates
the ecational policy of the University and the Finance Committee of the Council supervises
its financial affairs.
As Cambridge approaches its eight hundredth anniversary in 2009, it is looking to the future.
The modern University is an international centre of teaching and research in a vast range of
subjects: about half of the students study science or technology. Members of the University h
ave won over sixty Nobel Prizes.
It continues to change in response to the challenges it faces. The Vice-Chancellor, for instance,
is no longer a Head of College, but is a full-time administrative appointment. A Development
Office and associated charitable foundation is successfully seeking funds around the world for
new ventures. The 1990s have seen a major expansion of University accommodation for
teaching and research. There are many major new buildings either underway or already
completed, including the Law Faculty building and the Judge Institute of Management Studies,
in March 1996 opened by HM The Queen.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-16 15:53

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