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题目为 My Unforgettable Middle School Life 的英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 04:36



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 07:12

I have a memorable school life, it is has been laughter, there were tears, there have been successful, there have been failures, but my middle school love life, love my middle school life memorable.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 07:12

An unforgettable trip!
Yesterday, I went for BBQ with some friends of minwhich was located in Beilun. That’s a wonderful trip which I would never forget.
At about 12:40 pm, we six persons set out from Ningbo driving a car by an only man. The driving time was tough firstly, because no one had been there and knew the way. The organizer, my former colleague e had to call some people to ask ring the way, so did the driver. After more than two hours' jounce, we saw a nice scene in front, stretching to the horizon of the sea; people who froliced on the beach; being fenced on the way to barbecue area, ostriches drank water on leisure…...
Then it’s time to BBQ. We paved tinfoil on the stove, then oiled and put the rice with bamboo wrapped and some bunches of beeves on the tinfoil. But a few minutes later, those bunches of beeves were scorched and the tinfoil was burnt carefullessly. The experiment was failure. We had to try again and used tinfoil bowl. It seemed more successful than the last time, although the week was food cooked slowly. It’s right suitable for us to have time to play on the beach in turn, one part went, the others stayed to cook.
The seawater waved from time to time, the seawind blowed lightly, the sun in orange color was falling down slowly. We couldn’t help walking along the beach unshodly and took per photo as memorization.
When we came back to BBQ, the others had prepared for us. After finishing eating semi-cooked food, we began to leave. It was about six p.m.
An unimaginable thing occurred. Being forgotten turning off the light by the driver, the car was powered off. Oh, my god! What should we do?!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 07:13

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