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急 急 急!!!!!!!!!!!帮忙翻译4

发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-16 16:47



热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 23:03

Could you please provide the data shown on the picture as attached, for the dish head that you want?

Hello, we are spelized in professional design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and trial run of rolled sheet assembly line with abundant and solid technical force. You are welcome to visit our plant.

Seen from the picture(图片)/drawing(图纸), you seem to need cold mill units. However we don't know the detailed data you need, such as proct yield, blank materials, specifications, and those for finished procts. We may have a face to face discussion at greater length. See you then.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 23:04

你能给我提供一下在附件中的图片上的数据吗 关于你方要的碟形封头的数据
Can you give me a look at the picture in the attachment of the data about you? The party want to disc sealing head of data。

Hello, we are professional design, manufacture, installation, commissioning, trial proction rolling line company. We have a strong technical force, we welcome you to visit.

From the picture it looks like you need is cold rolling machine. But don't know what you need to specific data. Such as yield, blank, size, finished proct size, etc. We meet to discuss!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 23:04

你能给我提供一下在附件中的图片上的数据吗 关于你方要的碟形封头的数据
Can you give me a look at the picture in the attachment of the data about you? The party want to disc sealing head of data。

Hello, we are professional design, manufacture, installation, commissioning, trial proction rolling line company. We have a strong technical force, we welcome you to visit.

From the picture it looks like you need is cold rolling machine. But don't know what you need to specific data. Such as yield, blank, size, finished proct size, etc. We meet to discuss

热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 23:05

Hello, we are a professional design, manufacture, installation, commissioning, trial proction companies rolling proction line. We have strong technical force, we welcome your visit.
From the figure, you need to like the cold rolling mill, but do not know you need specific data such as yield, blank, standard size, the finished proct specifications, dimensions, etc. We meet to talk about!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 23:05

给你两个。仅供参考:1.can you give me the picture in the attachment of the data?Regarding your order to the discsealing head of data.
2.Could you please provide the data of you want the head like dish on the picture of adherence?

热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 23:06

Could you please kindly provide the data of attched picture? That's about the data of butterfly-shaped head.
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