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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-09 05:15




Criticals from other people can be either reasonable or nonsense.When facing a reasonable suggestion against your poor side,accept it with smile and gratefulness.It's rare that one man beyond your parents would tell you your weakness and wish you get improved.Remind yourself to follow...

英语作文 假如你是李华,你在美国的笔友Jack最近因为被朋友误解而苦恼...

dear jack,i am sorry to hear that you were misunderstood by your friend. but you should not be silent about this case. first, you can go and talk with your friend. why not tell him the truth? maybe he would unstand you. then, it's a good idea to talk to your parents...

求英语作文: 假如你是李华,你班来自美国的交流生Jack因生病治疗已有三周...

Dear Arthur,I 'm sorry to hear that you have been illness for 3 weeks,How's going now?Are you getting better? Our classmates care about you a lot and ask me to bring their best wishes for you.Our school held sport meeting last week, and we won the first prize. The cla...


There has been much talk rece ntly about whether we should learn f rom books or we should learn from p ractice. Some people think that learn ing by practicing is more important w hile others hold the different opinion s. Personally, I side with the former, in the belief tha...

假如你是李华,你的英国笔友杰克不久前去美国留学,他给你写信说很不适 ...

Hello Jack:It is good to hear about your recent situation.You says that you cannot get used to the life in US and don't have any friends there.Therefore,I would like to give you some advice.First and formost,you need to learn their life habits and show your respect to ...

英语作文 假如你是李华,你得知你的笔友Jack最近经常熬夜学习。请你用...

Dear Jack,I heard that you have been staying up late at night to study. This is a bad habit. Staying up is not good for your health, because it causes more eye strain. It also hurts your back. It is better to sleep at night and to study during the day. If you stay ...


Dear Jack I received your letter not long ago. pollution has become a serious problem to us. It means that the air, seas, rivers and land are polluted by waste or poisonous things. It does harm not only to human beings but also to animals (It does harm to ...


Dear Sir or madam,My name is li hua. I am a middle school student.I heart that your school English teaching is very good I want to learn English in your school. My English is not very well. I"m not god at Spoken English. But I want to speak fulent English. Can you...


Dear Jack,I’m terribly sorry to tell you that I have lost the book you were so kind to lend me last week. I like the book very much and I read it every day and intended to finish it next month. Last night when I came to my room, it was nowhere to be found. I ...


Dear Jerry,I'm sorry to hear that you can't sleep well because of your roomate's behavior that he often listens to music at dead of night.In my opinion,communication is play an important part in our life.Only you tell him what you think about it do he will realize his...

假如你是李华你的美国笔友jack 假定你是李华你的美国笔友 假如你是李华你的笔友mike 你是李华你的美国笔友 你的美国笔友jack来信 假设你是李华你的笔友 假如你的美国笔友mike 你的美国笔友要来中国 假如你是李华英语作文
做梦输钱是什么意思? 结婚来例假吉利吗 婚礼赶上例假怎么办 经期参加婚礼对谁不好来大姨妈坐了婚床后果 结婚当天来月经怎么破 新婚当天来月经好不好 大学生是什么等级? 学长请问你去年被宿州学院的专科录取了吗 宿州学院新生群号码多少 北京天使合唱团所获荣誉 生理盐水洗耳朵可以吗 低频理疗仪对心脏有影响吗-低频电疗仪可以天天用吗 2014马年农历九月初三下午6:30分出生;女孩取名 请问一下,我以前规范上看到用蒸压加气块砌筑在转角处以及纵横墙...1 一只特立独行的猫她在江湖 取保候审期间又犯新罪 只要一点可以下载的链接,就会触发迅雷。如何解除? 孩子的成长需要家长怎样对待? 支付宝关联帐号关联的是淘宝帐号还是支付宝帐号 wxid开头的怎么添加109 wxid开头的怎么添加好友?275 she和别人合唱的歌曲有哪些4 是wxid_开头的号怎么加好友198 一个女孩对我说心累了。我该怎么去安慰她?26 怎样通过加好友 我一个手机号注册了两个,另外一个登不上了,怎么办? 女孩说心累了 ,我怎么哄她开心64 建筑施工中填充墙加设构造柱的规范规定31 黑山岛的相关新闻 酵素梅有什么功效1164 以“秋”为主题的作文800深度好文 怎么用加好友338 遵义一中怎么样 视频播放2秒就停住了?怎么回事啊? 遵义市红花岗区有哪些高中学校名单 wxid开头的怎么添加好友,求大神解决必有重谢129 wxid开头的怎么加好友?220 怎么冻结了3 如何冻结 酵素梅能减肥吗26 酵素梅能减肥吗?7 冷却液不足去哪里加 京东商家会赖账吗 郑州财经学院工程审计怎么样 一个女孩对我说心累了。我该怎么去安慰她?26 加力果和苹果有什么区别?276 tango51 是什么枪,详细资料,图4 英国的awm狙击步枪由美国的m24狙击枪厉害吗?34 我想问下想要自己创业,但是不知道有什么好的项目,求大神们推荐?_百度... 同一个手机号注册两个,新的刚注销,旧的怎么找回? 300.75得数保留一位小数是几? 寻找一HP同人,大概是哈利打败伏地魔却被凤凰社的人杀了