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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 09:58



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 02:29

You know that I want to do a thing is what? I told you to fly!
I want to fly to Taiwan and little friends hug. I want to fly to Grandpa Bethune's land, a look at his home. I want to fly to Eagle Eagle home have a look, how much, is it right? Like text introced. I want to fly to my home, ask the little swallow why will fly to the south, do not stay in my home. I want to fly to the small bee family, have a look the little soldiers are in busy what. I want to fly to Mars, to have a look there is no aliens, there is no life, there are no children and a happy home. I want to fly to the nature, have a look the beautiful nature, to understand that all life is how you live. I want to have a look can make happy people find happiness, no sadness, trouble ... ...

How to save water
Water, is the source of human life. Water conservation must starts from me, from the start, everyone is the obligation and responsibility.
We should develop energetically afforestation, increase forest area, water conservation. Make full use of water-saving appliances, extensive conct propaganda water conservation benefits, make people consciously aware that water is a precious resource, abandon the "inexhaustible, be inexhaustible " stereotypes.
In order to create a better environment, we should cherish every drop of water. Let us start from the little things around us, start from our own, to protect the limited water resources, protect the environment on which people live. I hope people can take practical action to make up for past mistakes.

My bedroom
My bedroom is very clean and beautiful.
Bedroom placed a big bookcase and a high chest, and a piece of bed. I have read the book neatly on the shelf, I put the toys in the toy box, my best picture is me against the wall. You look neat and tidy!
My bedroom is blue, with blue curtains, blue bed, blue table and a drawer, the most interesting is the blue wardrobe door on soldiers, horses, Shi and other chess pieces.


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