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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 08:54



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 04:32

China's food safety woes expand overseas

Updated Fri. Apr. 13 2007 12:35 PM ET

Associated Press

SHANGHAI, China -- The list of Chinese food exports rejected at American ports reads like a chef's nightmare: pesticide-laden pea pods, drug-laced catfish, filthy plums and crawfish contaminated with salmonella.


Yet, it took a much more obscure item, contaminated wheat gluten, to focus U.S. public attention on a very real and frightening fact: China's chronic food safety woes are now an international concern.


In recent weeks, scores of cats and dogs in America have died of kidney failure blamed on eating pet food containing gluten from China that was tainted with melamine, a chemical used in plastics, fertilizers and flame retardants. While humans aren't believed at risk, the incident has sharpened concerns over China's food exports and the limited ability of U.S. inspectors to catch problem shipments.


Just as with manufactured goods, exports of meat, proce, and processed foods from China have soared in recent years, prompting outcries from foreign farm sectors that are feeling pinched by low Chinese prices.


Worried about losing access to foreign markets and stung by tainted food procts scandals at home, China has in recent years tried to improve inspections, with limited success.


The problems the government faces are legion. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers are used in excess to boost yields while harmful antibiotics are widely administered to control disease in seafood and livestock. Rampant instrial pollution risks introcing heavy metals into the food chain.


Farmers have used cancer-causing instrial dye Sudan Red to boost the value of their eggs and fed an asthma medication to pigs to proce leaner meat.


China's Health Ministry reported almost 34,000 food-related illnesses in 2005, with spoiled food accounting for the largest number, followed by poisonous plants or animals and use of agricultural chemicals.


With China increasingly intertwined in global trade, Chinese exporters are paying a price for unsafe practices. Excessive antibiotic or pesticide resies have caused bans in Europe and Japan on Chinese shrimp, honey and other procts. Hong Kong blocked imports of turbot last year after inspectors found traces of malachite green, a possibly cancer-causing chemical used to treat fungal infections, in some fish.


One source of the problem is China's fractured farming sector, comprised of small landholdings which make regulation difficult, experts said.


For foreign importers, the answer is to know your suppliers and test thoroughly, food instry experts said.


Shipments from China were rejected at the rate of about 200 per month this year, the largest from any country, compared to about 18 for Thailand, and 35 for Italy, also big exporters to the U.S., according to data posted on the FDA's Web site.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 04:33

go to www.bbc.co.uk and have a look, u might find sth useful.but it is news, and academic research.
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