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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-15 16:29



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 14:36

歌曲名称:《Cube Land》

专辑:Cube Land

歌手:Laura Shigihara


I'm in a cube land,I dig with cold hands


I use these tools to try and climb out of this mess I've made


My door is open,Skeletons and zombies


I am broken, as they walk all over me


But if I keep on building walls, maybe they'll stay away


Think fast, it's got to last if you're gonna make it through the rest of the day


I'm trapped, I can't go back, I've made the choice to stay


And we'll fight... keep defending through the night


(we'll fight the good fight),Live... we're all driven to survive


(we'll fight the good fight),I'll keep going, just stay by my side.

(我们要打个漂亮仗) ,我将继续坚持,请留在我身边

I'm in a cube land,My castle's so grand


And once I lay these tracks I'll finally make my escape


I am no one,I have no place, no one relates


And there is no sun,As the night covers this space


But I beg you, please please don't let this life go to waste


Think fast, it's got to last if you're gonna make it through the rest of the day


I'm trapped, I can't go back, I've made the choice to stay


And we'll fight... keep defending through the night


(we'll fight the good fight),Live... we're all driven to survive


(we'll fight the good fight)



《我的世界》主题曲是《Cube Land》,由Laura Shigihara演唱。

《我的世界》是Laura Shigihara在欢快系风格的又一突破,也是他在音乐道路上不断探索和前进的有力诠释。不管是在创作上还是演唱上,此首新歌的推出是他欢快系风格的又一突破,也是他在音乐道路上不断探索和前进的有力诠释。


热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 14:36

我的世界的主题曲是《cube land》。
歌曲:Cube Land
歌手:laura shigihara
作词:laura shigihara
作曲:laura shigihara
I'm in a cube land
I dig with cold hands
I use these tools to try and climb out of this mess I've made

My door is open
Skeletons and zombies
I am broken, as they walk all over me
But if I keep on building walls, maybe they'll stay away

Think fast, it's got to last if you're gonna make it through the rest of the day
I'm trapped, I can't go back, I've made the choice to stay

And we'll fight... keep defending through the night
(we'll fight the good fight)
Live... we're all driven to survive
(we'll fight the good fight)
I'll keep going, just stay by my side.

I'm in a cube land
My castle's so grand
And once I lay these tracks I'll finally make my escape

I am no one
I have no place, no one relates
And there is no sun
As the night covers this space
But I beg you, please please don't let this life go to waste

Think fast, it's got to last if you're gonna make it through the rest of the day
I'm trapped, I can't go back, I've made the choice to stay

And we'll fight... keep defending through the night
(we'll fight the good fight)
Live... we're all driven to survive
(we'll fight the good fight)
I'll keep going, just stay by my side.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 14:37

C417-Enjoy Your MiNeCrAfT(注意大小写)

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 14:37

Minecraft - Volume Alpha

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 14:38

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