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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 12:27



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 06:39

Tengwang pavilion in jiangxi, east of ganjiang nanchang is jiangnan three outstanding well-sold has more than 1300 years of history. Tengwang pavilion there are many cultural persons leave the immortal poems, which WangBo wrote "LaXia and solitary seek fly together, autumn sky" became a total monochromatic bards sublime.

Tengwang pavilion very ambitious. High 5.75 meters, covers an area of 47000 square meters, look outside, but there are three layer within seven layers. This kind of building structure is extremely rare, equivalent to us now 19 floors of the three-storey house. Looking down on the roof, it seems everything narrow dozens of times, one eye cannot see the gan's head. Xiao xue 123

The attic not only grand and beautiful and. Each layer eaves below were carved, some exquisite patterns. Pillars is scarlet, wall rows of neat rhombus of small grid, roof sides have two become warped up little horn, much like a boat. Attic inside door engraved with a bird standing in the branches, the other bird fly, like in reviewing across. Carved up these designs like a live is same, hundreds of thousands of tourists are their obsession!

Tengwang pavilion are working people, China is the crystallization of the wisdom of valuable historical heritage.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 06:39

The Pavilion of Prince Teng in Jiangxi city on the eastern coast of Nanchang of Ganjiang River, is the Jiangnan three of the first floor of, has one thousand years of history. Pavilion of Prince Teng has many men of literature and writing remain immortal poems, in which Wang Bo wrote "the glow of sunset and lone cks fly together, eyes has long Tianyi color, " a poetic masterpiece through the ages.

Pavilion of Prince Teng is very magnificent. High 57.5 meters, covers an area of 47000 square meters, and has three layer, seven layer is. The structure of the building is very rare, equivalent to what we now 19 floors of the house is so high. On the roof down look, seem everything reced several times, I can not see the head of Ganjiang river. Xiao Xue 123

This tower is magnificent and beautiful. Each layer below the eaves, are carved some exquisite patterns. The pillar is a scarlet, on the wall there is a neat rows of prismatic small lattice, the roof there are two sides to curl up the small angle, is like a boat. The attic door was engraved with a bird standing on a tree, a bird flying over, as if in the back across the. These patterns are carved like live, many visitors are fascinated by them!
Pavilion of Prince Teng is the wisdom of working people, but also our valuable historical heritage.
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