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一张英语报主题是Being a good student12

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-17 15:29



热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 21:43

First of all,a sense of resbonsibility and goodness are valuable for a Good Student.resbonsibility and goodness make people insiste justice,rectitude,make people help others who need help,make people grow up as a man.
Second,a good student does not merely follows rules(though that is an important skill),but looks for opportunities to discover new things,tries new things,or finds better methods and it must be not for bad purposes.when an opportunity arises to do a project outside of class,the good student jumps at the chance and doesn't even ask whether it will earn extra credit.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 21:43

First of all,a sense of resbonsibility and goodness are valuable for a Good Student.resbonsibility and goodness make people insiste justice,rectitude,make people help others who need help,make people grow up as a man.
Second,a good student does not merely follows rules(though that is an important skill),but looks for opportunities to discover new things,tries new things,or finds better methods and it must be not for bad purposes.when an opportunity arises to do a project outside of class,the good student jumps at the chance and doesn't even ask whether it will earn extra credit
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