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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-03 09:22



热心网友 时间:2023-09-13 11:31

(1)"help relatives to care for children" (in CV/resume written this way.) (2)on line shop selling shirts/accessories with friends. (in CV/resume written this way.) (3)had only those jobs in o years;did not go out to work after 2010 Advice:-(e to world finance crisis
the Bank did not help to finance my business.)
With e respect to 回答者 002
Proofread: Babysitting (~ one word)
babysitter handle customer inquiries by email customer inquiry ~ pound noun inquires (verb)
inquiries (noun)
1. 照顾小孩 - Baby sitting 2. 网上开店 - Online sales Here is an example (I MADE THEM ALL UP!) 2010 June - 2012 Aug Baby sitter of a 2-year old girl > responsible for cooking 2 baby meals a day > teach her English alphabet > anize her daily activities 2011 May - Current Co-owner - VWX Fashion Online > responsible for purchasing > manage the website design > handle customers' inquires through email > manage the stock > contact merchants > arrange delivery 3. It depends what kind of job you are applying. If you are trying to get a sales job
you can put both of them since the second one apparently is sales related. The first one would also show that you are a patient person and pay attentions to details
only those might not be too strong of an evidence. So i would emphasize on the second one. But if you are getting a position in a day care center
then the first one would definitely be an advantage.
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