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三福商店中有一曲英文歌曲中歌词中有oh oh oh

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-27 14:12



热心网友 时间:2024-08-29 20:48

Our canon in d - aaron angello

I wrote a song for you
I don't know if you'll listen to
But if you do
I don't think you
Will understand the poetry

Don't think I'll let you go
So easily, girl you don't know
The depths to which
I understand

Just how much you were meant for me

I had a dream last night
That we somehow had made it right

And everything
Was new and green
And we could dance eternally

But then the sun came out
And I woke up to face the doubt

That you and I
Would ever see

Each other as we used to be

Can't understand
How the feeling that we know we had
Could just be abandoned
Be tossed into the wind
So easily
It cannot be
You know it meant too much

When in the end
After everything is said and done
See, we chose to spend
An eternity without
A melody

A symphony

A life without out Canon in "D"

I've heard a story told
About a staircase made of gold
That winds its way
Up through the clouds

Stops at Heaven's door

And if some day I stand
Before that door without your hand
Wrapped up in mine
I'll sit right down
Wait forever more

Can't understand
How the feeling that we know we had
Could just be abandoned

Be tossed into the wind
So easily

It cannot be
You know it meant too much

When in the end
After everything is said and done
See, we chose to spend
An eternity without
A melody

A symphony

A life without out Canon in "D"


The sun is sinking low

It's time for me to go
And try
To just get by


热心网友 时间:2024-08-29 20:48

What makes you beautiful
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