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求一篇以:别人摔倒我笑了,我手机摔了我哭了 为话题的英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-27 12:17



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 13:15

It is mainly about a group of people go funiu, in early winter, saw the persimmon tree at the foot of the mountain QiuZhi some trouble, some few folded so thick, have a plenty of GuaGuo for several years. But they found no matter what kind of persimmon tree, a tree have five or six persimmon, is this why? They also do not understand, ask the foot of the old farmer. Old farmer told them not can't pick, but left on purpose. Is this why? They wonder. Old farmer smiled and said: "we harvest a year many, while the birds don't have something to eat, so we left some is for the birds to eat." The crowd was silent.
I was silent. Yeah! Birds in winter didn't eat, the old farmer noticed, and help them, that is how selfless, what kind of behavior! We met in need of help in our daily life, also want to help them, can't turn a blind eye, indifferent, has the compassion. Confucius said: man goes, how? And people went, how to? Many also have a paragraph: for the son of man, the youth, close friends and teachers, learning etiquette. Age of nine, can seat warm, filial piety to kiss, to hold. Four years old, can let the pears, and in the long, should be a prophet. Also tell us to want for others, want to have love. The ancient people know to do so, I think we must do better than the ancients.
As long as we help others, to help in need of help, our world will become more beautiful!
┏ (^ω^)=☞追问谢谢

追答不用┏ (^ω^)=☞

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 13:15

  mountain QiuZhi some trouble, some few folded so thick, have a plenty of GuaGuo for several years. But they found no matter what kind of persimmon tree, a tree have five or six persimmon, is this why? They also do not understand, ask the foot of the old farmer. Old farmer told them not can't pick, but left on purpose. Is this why? They wonder. Old farmer smiled and said: "we harvest a year many, while the birds don't have something to eat, so we left some is for the birds to eat." The crowd was silent.
I was silent. Yeah! Birds in winter didn't eat, the old farmer noticed, and help them, that is how selfless, what kind of behavior! We met in need of help in our daily life, also want to help them, can't turn a blind eye, indifferent, has the compassion. Confucius said: man goes, how? And people went, how to? Many also have a paragraph: for the son of man, the youth, close friends and teachers, learning etiquette. Age of nine, can seat warm, filial piety to kiss, to hold. Four years old, can let the pears, and in the long, should be a prophet. Also tell us to want for others, want to have love. The ancient people know to do so, I think we must do better than the ancients.
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