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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-27 16:39



热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 03:32


热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 03:32

From my English studying experience ,I find I have encountered many difficulties. These problems are lying in three aspects: my spoken English, my English writing and listening.

First of all, the biggest problem is my terrible spoken English, for I have some Chinese accent while I'm communicating with others in English. I've tried very hard to get rid of it, but the awkard accent just keeps haunting me. And what make things worse is that everybody is always laughing at me, which makes me much more nervous while talking in English. So one day, i decide i should do something to change this horrible situation. I buy lots of CDs of some celebrities' public speaking, and i try to imatate their intonation, accent everyday. fortunately, i've made some progress till now. My oral English is better, but i still need to work hard to improve it.

second, i hate English writing. when i try to write things down, my mind becomes totally blank. i don't know what to talk about. i don't know what examples i should take to support my ideas. sometimes, when i look at a topic, i even don't know how i can write my thesis statement. even if i have my outline, i don't know how to find specific details to fulfill my essay, or how to use vivid words to express my idea. i suffer a lot on my writing. But one day, i happened to discover a good way to improve my writing skill, which is to keep a journal everyday. at first, i still don't know what to talk about. but graally, i have much more to say. and the words and the thoughts just spills from my mind.

the last problem is my listening ability. i couldn't even catch the main idea of the materials, even they're from VOA Special. so i listen to one script everyday, and try to write down things that i can catch words by words, sentence by sentence. and i download lots of English songs that i can listen to on my way to school or home. graally, it become much better. now, i can even understand VOA Standard.

i still need to try hard to get rid of all these problems. although it's a tough process. i still have the strength and courage to conquer them.
(P.S: 不排除里面有少量语法及拼写错误,希望LZ能自己检查下,还有你可以适当的把这篇文章改一下,把里面的词换的更生动更多样一些。还有. . .里面LZ可根据自己的实际情况添加或删改,尤其是时态问题)
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