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求关于 世界著名建筑的 英语介绍 英语论文 只要是英语的都行 谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-28 07:02



热心网友 时间:2024-10-31 10:55

Goose tower (大雁塔) The goose tower is located in the Nanjiao greatly kind graciousnesstemple, was the nation famous ancient architecture, is regarded asancient capital Xi'an the symbol. After hands down is Tang Sengcongthe India (ancient India) learns from experienced people, specially isengaged in translates after with the Buddhist scriptures place.Because imitates the Indian wild goose tower style the constructiontherefore the famous wild goose tower. Because afterwards recommendedin the lucky temple in Chang An to construct a smaller wild goosetower, in order to distinguish, the people on called the goose thetower the kind graciousness temple tower, recommended the lucky templetower to call the small wild goose tower, continuously spreads untilnow. The goose delivers in person the square shape, constructsin side approximately 45 meters, on high approximately 5 meter stationbases. Tower seven, first floor length of side 25 meters, by place Surface to tower crest elevation 64 meters. The tower bodybecomes with the brickwork, the polished bricks fitting snuglytogether are firm exceptionally. In the tower has the staircase, maycircle on. Around each respectively has a brige entry, may leanagainst a railing looks out into the distance. The Chang An style getsa panoramic view. Around the tower first floor all has Shimen, on thegate mast has the fine line to engrave the image of Buddha, passes onfor the Tang Dynasty big painter Yan Liben writing skill. In the towerNanmen two sides brick niches, inlays has Tang fourth day of a soldierthen good book storytelling legalist schools big tang dynasty pilgrimmonk saint to teach the foreword "and" States Tripitaka Saint To teachForeword To record "two steles. After Tang Mo, the temple repeatedlysays the warfare, the palace burns d
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