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英语语法 高手进

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 04:47



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 23:41

第三行cause environmental contamination改为,contaminate the environment。
A survey made by the company shows that most of Taiwan's waste lubricating oil are recycled and re-used as secondary and fuel oil (accounts for about 94%), with the rest being mped unprotected, which can contaminate the environment.

the cause for and solution to the oil-oriented contamination.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 23:42

According to the survey made by Carbon Steel Chemical Co. Ltd that the direction of Taiwan's waste lubricating oil is mostly reused by recycling as a secondary fuel and fuel oil (about 94%), and a small part of untreated oil can still cause environmental contamination.

流向我觉得用去向 direction 好一些,其他的我也不解释了,相信你自己能看出来错在哪里。

the contamination source of lubricating oil and the discussion of processing methods

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 23:42

According to the survey by Carbon Steel Chemical Co. Ltd. on the flows of Taiwan's waste lubricating oil, most of them (about 94%) is recycled and reused as secondary oil and fuel oil, and a small amount of them is untreated and causes environmental pollution.

润滑油污染来源及处理方式探讨:Study on the Sources and Treatments of Lubricating Oil Pollution
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