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高分 求几个关于 医学专业词汇 的英文翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 04:44



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 20:31

Learn to start experiment a research to the A main efficacy of medicine, provide an experiment basis for the A clinical application
Adopting the small rat trembles cage to change the ability machine method
Prolong E Ba to compare secure sodium amount of small rat sleep a time method
Small rat E four nitrogen CD50s are worth method and small rat diving platform a method etc. animal model and experimental methods.
Establishing physiology brine matched control, stability and brain replies 康 etc. matched control.
The main pharmacology function of medicine.
Prolong E Ba to compare secure sodium amount of small rat sleep time.
Raise E four nitrogens small rat surprised CD50
Showing the prolongs small rat to get an electric shock incubation period.
There is obvious town to calm down, hypnotize, the anti- surprised and improvement study a memory

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 20:31

Concts the experimental study to the A main pharmacodynamics, is theA clinical practice provides the experimental basis.
Uses the mouse to shake the cage transcer law
Lengthens the pentobarbitol sodium threshold dosage mouse sleeptime law
Mouse 戊四氮 CD50 value law and animal model andexperimental technique and so on mouse diving platform law
Supposes physiological saline comparison the group, stability andcomparison group and so on brain plicate Kang
Medicine main pharmacological action
Lengthens the pentobarbitol sodium threshold dosage mouse sleeptime
Enhances 戊四氮 the mouse to faint from fright the CD50value
Remarkably lengthens the mouse to receive an electric shock theincubation period
Has obvious is calm, the hypnosis, the anti- convulsion andpharmacological action and so on improvement study memory ability

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 20:32

Learn to start experiment a research to the A main efficacy of medicine, provide an experiment basis for the A clinical application
Adopting the small rat trembles cage to change the ability machine method
Prolong E Ba to compare secure sodium amount of small rat sleep a time method
Small rat E four nitrogen CD50s are worth method and small rat diving platform a method etc. animal model and experimental methods.
Establishing physiology brine matched control, stability and brain replies 康 etc. matched control.
The main pharmacology function of medicine.
Prolong E Ba to compare secure sodium amount of small rat sleep time.
Raise E four nitrogens small rat surprised CD50 values.
Showing the prolongs small rat to get an electric shock incubation period.
There is obvious town to calm down, hypnotize, the anti- surprised and improvement study a memory ability etc. pharmacology function.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 20:32

A main pharmacodynamics of the experiment, according to A clinical laboratory.Buffeting caged mice transcer law to extend the sleeping time in mice threshold dose of pentobarbital sodium mouse CD50 value and PTZ animal models such as mice platform and experimental methods. Normal saline control group.Brain stability and the rehabilitation of drug control group Pharmacological extended threshold dose of pentobarbital sodium, improve sleep mouse CD50 PTZ-inced seizure marked the electrocution latency significantly prolong sedation,Hypnosis, anticonvulsant pharmacological effects and improve learning and memory

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 20:33

楼上的英语好棒啊,是专业英语吗 过了几级了

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 20:34

Small rat E four nitrogen CD50s are worth method and small rat diving platform a method etc. animal model and experimental methods.
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