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求英语高手翻译 国际贸易的一段文章

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-29 00:29



热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 16:50

What is the international trade? International trade is a national proction of goods and services, and to another country proction of goods and services. Why you need to trade? Has the following reasons:
The world of unbalanced distribution of natural resources. Some of the country's natural resources storage than the actual demand of the country, and some other countries have no such natural resources. Therefore, some countries can proce more related procts, more than their actual needs, and some other countries cannot proce enough procts to meet the demand of domestic.
With the development of manufacturing and technology, there was another stimulus, promote the proction of instrial procts, some of these procts by other countries and instrial customers. For example, the car is made in Japan than chinese-made cars more popular.
In addition to the above mentioned, trade between countries can make all parties to make a profit, even if one a country has the ability to lower the cost of procing all the goods. As is known to all, Japan, Germany and the United States is the most advanced countries in the world, but if you know the fact that the development of foreign trade, they brought them, so as to establish a huge dollar today of modernization.
Besides the trade, and tangible invisible trade. The visible trade refers to the import and export of goods, and the invisible trade between different countries are the service trade. Some countries may have many can export commodities or manufactured goods, but they have charming climate and natural scenery to develop their tourism, and tourism is an invisible trade. And invisible trade and visible trade are equally important.
啊 累死了 我都帮你打了4天了 分给我把 我的手啊!!
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