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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-29 02:17



热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 22:40

Tomorrow is Children's Day,so we don't have to go to school.
I plan to go boating in the park and watch animal show with my parents In the morning,
After that,we are going to eat KFC for lunch.
And,l like eating fried chicken nugget, hamburger , potato chips and ice-cream.
After lunch , we will go shoping together and buy some new clothes.
I always like wearing white or purple skirt and i hope that l can find my favourite kind.
Of course i will have a happy day witn my parents tomorrow.

Happy Children's Day.....!!!!!快乐!

热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 22:40

Tomorrow is Children`s Day,
we needn`t go to school,
l will go boating in the park and watch animal show with my parents,
we eat KFC for lunch,
l like eating drumstick , hamburger , chips and ice-cream.
After lunch , my parents and me go shoping together.
l like wearing white or purple dress.
l hope that l can buy the dress this time
l will have a happy festival witn my parent.


热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 22:41

Tomorrow will be Children's Day,and we don't have to go to school. In the morning,I will go to the park to go boating and watch the plays of animals there.We will go to the KFC for lunch,and my favourite food is the feet of children and hamburgers ,as well as the potatos chips and ice creams.After lunch,my parents will buy the new clothes with me. My favourite clothes are the white and purple blouses,and I hope we will buy one this time.I wiill have a happy Children's Day with my parents.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 22:41

Tomorrow is June 1 children's day, and we don't have to go to school, morning I will and mom and dad go boating and watching the animal shows, lunch to eat KFC, I most like to eat KFC chicken feet and hamburgers with bars. Ice cream. After lunch, mom and dad and I go to buy new clothes. I like to wear white and purple skirt, I hope this can buy my favorite dress. I will spend my mom and dad a happy holiday.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 22:42

Tomorrow is June 1 children's day, we don't have to go to school, my mother .father and i will go boating and watch the animal shows in the morning, then we will go to kfc have a lunch, I most like to eat chicken feet , hamburgers ,French Fries . Ice cream.in kfc After lunch, mom and dad and I will go to buy new some clothes. I like to wear white or purple skirt, I hope we can buy a dress what i like. I will have a happy day with my parents,
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