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INORAN的《smoke》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-29 02:54



热心网友 时间:2024-08-29 18:45


I'm on the outside to forgive regret
Flood the mud, Goldfish singing ringing eardrum
The wave of the flower floating
It goes disappear I can't get
Try to reach, I want that clear
But its never can find out
Dreaming in the night can see through the night
I see illusion in a day don't know why
Let's back to that place
Cause more than I can take
It's nothing meaning to live in
Somebody laughing at me
Blowing the wind through my eyes
You've never seen such a windy color
Easy way part of me
I'd rather be all alone
Dreaming in the night can see through the night
I see illusion in a day don't know why
Let's back to that place
Cause more than I can take
It's nothing meaning to live in
Somebody laughing at me
Let's back to that place
Cause more than I can take
It's nothing meaning to live in
Take me out my misery
Give it, give it, give it away
So let yourself go
Let's back to that place
Cause more than I can take
It's nothing meaning to live in
Somebody laughing at me
Let's back to that place
Cause more than I can take
It's nothing meaning to live in
You'll never worry about it
Let's back to that place
Cause more than I can take
It's nothing meaning to live in
Give it, give it, give it away
So let yourself go

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