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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-22 10:26



热心网友 时间:2023-08-06 16:08

lynda sayyah - look in your eyes

Look In Your Eyes
Lynda Sayyah
When I look in your eyes
I can feel my temperature rise
I feel emotions burning inside of me
I thank god every day of my life
When I look in your eyes
I can feel my temperature rise
I feel emotions burning inside of me
I thank god every day of my life
When I look in your eyes
I never forget
When we met
summer of 0'5
Never would
Of guessed or expected
to feel so alive
Cause you were like a local
And I was more like a visitor
But from the second I saw you
I knew I had to get with ya
Spit a little game
You acted like you got nausous
I’m laughing
And I’m thinking to myself stay cautious
Cuz, I know you heard of my past.
And reputation, for that some hesitation, in fact some separation
But eventually, we were both consumed by the energy
Like what could we do
We knew there was chemistry
Felt, the attraction, and felt the connection, and felt the affection, and itself was a blessing.
So now I’m contemplating,
Trying to plot my next move, I told you I don’t care what it takes
I got to get you
I spent the rest of the summer with you,
And I discovered now not only do i want you It’s true girl,
I love ya
When I look in your eyes
I can feel my temperature rise
I feel emotions running inside of me
I thank god everything went right
When I look in your eyes
I can feel my temperature rise
I feel emotions running inside of me
I thank god everything went right
When I look in your eyes.
I don’t wanna lie to you,
I don’t got the patience or time, and
I don’t need to act hard when I’m saying my rhyme,
Cuz see I’m grown up, I’m passed that, I’m over the limit.
I’m over these women, living with the phoniest image,
It’s just a show or a gimmick,
Sorry ladies, not me
Cuz be got be
And he got she,
And he’s cocky,
But you know how to deal with it.
It’s we not me,
So the both of us feelin it
Never pictured myself as a co dependent
But I depend on you, and with that there’s no pretending
That you make me better,
When we grow together.
we keep close together when we see cold weather.
Hum V Wont forget you,
You aint leaving my sight,
You the reason I write,
The reason I fight
The heartbeat of my life,
And I don’t care if I sound soft.
Cuz all the haters just bounce off
When I look in your eyes
I can feel my temperature rise
I feel emotions burning inside of me
I thank god everything went right
When I look in your eyes
I can feel my temperature rise
I feel emotions burning inside of me
I thank god everyday of my life
When I look in your eyes
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