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白巧克力的视频集锦3的背景音乐 是什么?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-22 16:08



热心网友 时间:2023-09-21 13:09


歌手:Bubba Sparxxx


First, you must travel a long deslolate road
This road you travel will seem like nowhere
But nowhere will turn into somewhere
Keep your head up Bubba, dont let nobody get ya down
Cause that road you travel will turn around

Ive accepted every challenge and risen to all occasions
A country boy that got them most like Randy, Mos, and Jason
Perhaps old Bubbas new rules dont fit in ya'lls equation
If your opinion coincides with that you ought to save them
Cuz to quote the greatest southern rapper, *in' period
Negative spirits, they only keep you down a myriad
Of Satan selflessness, and my sister steal my wisdom
Is never once compromised, thats between God and I
Never once forgotten my manners cuz my Mamma
Played in public housing, be polite in Alabama
but she had a different plan for me and Russ and Ginger
Thank the Lord for Jimmy Mathis, pop sing must remember
Cuz he stuck around when them other clowns disappeared
Showed me how to set the scope, shoot, and leave with the deer
And then he made me drink the blood to show me life was precious
The money rolled from nowhere to somewhere, here's my directions

I know what its like to be nowhere
I know what its like
I know what its like to be nowhere
I know what its like

Can you relate to 5 kids, 6 fishsticks on the plate?
Or writing Santa Claus, I guess he got the list too late
Or to catch the fish you t the hook with little Dillans poopoo
On Mr. Allens property, he catch you he will shoot you
Let these cats amuse you with comical depictions
But where Im from me and Brooks no honorable afflictions
Love some Jimmy Carter, but we never even voted
But song is still song, so you best believe we told it
Every firearm from AK's to 30 30's
And from live rocks to livestocks it pays the early birdies
Thus we worked the land like you work the block with J Lo
but I choose keys over cattle cuz the profit's way mo'
Might get locked away though, peddalin' some snowcones
So we keep it simplified with acres of that homegrown
Plus the finest shine you can find this side of Memphis
From east nowhere to west somewhere, still the grind is endless


It all comes down to this, one last chance to advance
Beyond the second round of this big dance for my plans
Of being viewed as something special, more than just the other ones
Will vanish in the flavors that the flavored south has suffered from
The world's weight, plus a ton, restin on my shoulders
But what the tractors deem a curse is blessed to the beholder
Cuz Eminem's incredible, but did I really have to say this
For y'all to leave my soul at rest and add me to your playlist?
But this time Im anxious, let me clear that hurdle man
Cuz its gonna be a million more, who knows if they'll be worth a damn?
Bubba K I surely am, with that silky kind of sound
Carson, tell your folks that I'll be early for this time around
Cuz Ive come too far for my own mistakes to quell me
Looking back on it still swoons, and aches, and ailes me
Theres nothing they can tell me to leave somewhere in a hurry
If Im nowhere then thats nowhere and no one needs to worry (okie dokie)

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