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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-22 07:59



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 06:34

Everyone S At It是不是

Lily Allen - Everyone's At It
I don't know much,
But I know this for certain,
That is the sun,
Poking its head round the curtain.
Now please can we leave,
I'd like to go to bed now.
It's not just the sun,
That is hurting my head now.
I'm not trying to say,
That I'm smelling of roses,
But when will we tire,
Of putting shit up our noses.
I don't like staying up,
Staying up past the sunlight.
It's meant to be fun,
And this just doesn't feel right.
Why can't we all,
All just be honest,
Admit to ourselves,
That everyone's on it.
From grown politicians,
To young adolescents,
Prescribing themselves,
How can we start to tackle the problem,
If you don't put your hands up,
And admit that you're on them.
The kids are in danger,
They're all getting habits,
Because from what I can see,
Everyone's at it.
Everyone's at it.
Everyone's at it.
Everyone's at it.
I get involved,
But I'm not advocating.
Got an opinion,
Yeah, you're well up for slating.
So you've got a prescription,
And that makes it legal.
I find the excuses,
Overwhelmingly feeble.
You go to the doctor,
You need pills to sleep in.
Well if you can convince him,
Then I guess that's not cheating.
So your daughter's depressed,
We'll get her straight on the prozac.
But little do you know,
She already takes crack.
Why can't we all,
All just be honest,
Admit to ourselves,
That everyone's on it.
From grown politicians,
To young adolescents,
Prescribing themselves,
How can we start to tackle the problem,
If you don't put your hands up,
And admit that you're on them.
The kids are in danger,
They're all getting habits,
Because from what I can see,
Everyone's at it.
Everyone's at it.
Everyone's at it.
Everyone's at it.
Why can't we all,
All just be honest,
Admit to ourselves,
That everyone's on it.
From grown politicians,
To young adolescents,
Prescribing themselves,
How can we start to tackle the problem,
If you don't put your hands up,
And admit that you're on them.
The kids are in danger,
They're all getting habits,
Because from what I can see,
Everyone's at it.
Everyone's at it.
Everyone's at it.
Everyone's at it.
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