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国外旅游网站有哪些 做的比较好比较出名的

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 03:20



懂视网 时间:2022-06-18 11:39


  If you're looking to travel around China or elsewhere for the upcoming holiday, the following websites will be of great help.

  Trip.com offers especially great service in English and Chinese. The alternative sites are also very helpful for booking hotels, flights, trains, and entrance tickets to scenic spots!

  Image: Little Grey Box

  Trip.com, formerly known as CTrip is a comprehensive travel website providing hotel booking, flight booking, tour package booking and other travel services. The company was founded in 1999. You can book most hotels in Chinese cities on this site. The company is baded in Shanghai.

  Trip.com is by far the largest and best travel website in China!

  Image: Trip.com

  Elong is a professional website for booking hotels and flights in China. You can find thousands of hotels in this website from luxury to budget hotels. Elong has become one of the biggest hotel booking providers in China. There are many discount hotelson this website. They also book hotels for Chinese who want to go abroad.

  Image: ELong.com

  Qunar.com is a popular travel website for those who want to book great discount flights and hotels. This webstie provides the lowest discount compared to other websites. They provide cheap hotels booking and great discount flights booking. If you are lucky enough, you will get the lowest price in this website.

  Image: Qunar.com

  Lvmama.com(驴妈妈)is a very popular website for those who want to travel alone. If you don't want to travel with a travel agency in a group tour, you can visit this website. There are tons of travel tips for solo all around China. They also provide booking for tickets to scenic spots.They also offer great deals in group buying.

  作者|GiC Team



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 08:47



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 10:05

全球排名排名趋势本栏趋势1、TripAdvisor  270——2、mapquest  301↓2—3、tripadvisor  303——4、Expedia Travel  330——5、travelocity  652——6、priceline  674——7、orbitz  713↑1—8、kayak  805↑1—9、Discovery.com  993↑3—10、citysearch.com  1265↑4—11、lastminute  1402——12、Travelzoo  1538↑1—13、lonely planet.  1836——14、virtualtourist  2278↓1—15、cheaptickets.com  2868↑1—16、Agoda  4052——17、SideStep  6084——18、igougo  7268——19、away.com  10331——20、edreams  14759↑1—21、worldweb  15005↑346—22、Mobissimo  23885——23、Rail Europe  25725↓1155—24、usatourist  45218↓2274—25、bonjourquebec  61396↑1871—26、43places  125964↓75↑127、travel-images  138551↓18361↓128、sepaq  158818——29、visiteurope  325747↓18442—30、Iceland  708475↑13677/31、TahitiTravel  805676↓1738—32、greatcanadianparks  1350057↓12057—33、Birmingham Botanical Gardens  1679403—/34、Bellingrath Garden  1881717—/35、雷克雅未克气浪音乐节  2087163↓4438—36、travel to canada  3509045↑3886734↑137、pinpoint travel  4271723—↓138、canadatourism  10116002↓16285—来自:求助得到的回答

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 11:40

国外的旅游网站还真不知道,也没怎么接触过,一般咱国内的旅游网站里边已经包含了出境游这一项了,干嘛还非得找国外的,去看一下,出游客网上都有这样的分类 出境游很详细。
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