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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-25 23:29



热心网友 时间:2023-07-31 14:56



  A : Is this Zhang Lin's home?

  B : Yes. Oh, it's you , Linda. I haven't seen you for a long time .Well, come in and sit down. How about something to drink?

  A : Yes , please. I'm a little thirsty , actually.

  B : Would you like tea or coffee?

  A : Coffee, please.

  B : Here you are.

  A : Would you like to talk over a drink?

  B : That sounds good. How are you doing , Linda?

  A : Just fine. Are you busy now?

  B : No. I'm just killing time .

  A : Shall we visit our math teacher tomorrow?

  B : Yes . I haven't been in his house for several weeks . When shall we start?

  A : How about eight o'clock tomorrow morning?

  B : All right. See you tomorrow .


  A : So how long have you know Jack ?

  B : We go way back . We've known each other since we were toddlers.

  A : Really ? You guys must be really tight.

  B : Yeah , We're buddy-buddy still.

  A : He seems sincere , and trustworthy .

  B : Well, he is , but he can be conniving at times .

  A : What do you mean ?

  B : Well, I know that he would never stab me in the back . But I've seen him double cross other people .

  A : Oh, my! Really? I never thought he would be like that.

  B : Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he's like that all the time.

  A : So, can I trust him or what?

  B : Well, I think you should decide for yourself.

  A : But I need someone that I can count on for this job.

  B : Okay , Okay . You can trust him. I was just trying to give you a hard time .

  A : Come on you're confusing me . Give it to me straight.

  B : Actually , he's the most dependable person I know, and he would never turn on anyone.


  A : My friend finally mped her boyfriend, and she's sworn she's going to abstain until she finds the right man to marry .

  B : After going through an episode like that I'm not surprised . How's her headspace?

  A : She's doing great , she's getting her confidence back, and her self-esteem, has improved drastically . She's very happy.

  A : I'm proud of you for standing by her. I think you've helped make a big difference in her life.

  B : Do you have any plans for next Sunday evening?

  A : No , why?

  B : My friend , who had the mishap, wants to take us to dinner to show her gratitude for helping her.

  A : She doesn't need to do that , I didn't do anything.

  B : She feels you gave me the freedom to be able to assist her and she appreciates that . Come on , Let's inlge her.

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