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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-26 22:42



热心网友 时间:2024-12-14 20:35

Dear classmates:
Water is the source of life, human survival and development is the most important environment factor, and the economic and social development of water resources is the basic natural resources and strategic economic resources. Shanxi Province is one of the severe water shortages, per capita water only twenty percent of the average national level, the world average level of 4 percent, to economic development and people's life, but serious impact of daily life waste water still quite serious phenomenon. Therefore, we to school issued initiative:
1 please use wash face and hands.
In no circumstances of washbasin, glass, face and hands, when brushing your teeth, please control the size, and timely faucet switch off the water.
2 See have waste water, please stop.
3 have toilet dorm staff dormitory, leaving promptly checks whether tap off.
4 found running, leakage phenomenon, please promptly to management solution. Reflect
5 propaganda, do save water, driving the students around participation to save water.
Come on, my fellow students, let the water saving just become a dry with our slogan, easy for land, blue sky, green water fill our feelings of the atrium, response, the school starts from me, for building the saving-type campus contribute our strength!
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