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“回顾与反思” 的英文表述

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 04:55



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 14:50

如果要表达深入的思考也可以用 rethink profoudly

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 14:50

We have designed a superhero,today,we will talk about it.
This is our heroine(shou pictures).She is a girl,her name is Christine.She isn't beautiful,for she has a long face on which there is a pair of enormous glasses and some freckles.Though she isn't pretty,she is intelligence and has a good mark at school.To our surprise,she has two identittes,one is a student,the other is a superhero.And she has two special skills,she can see and hear what is happened miles away.
When she sees some people in danger,her big glasses can change into another magic glasses which can help her make sure the position,and then she will be lead to the moon.Meanwhile,she become a very beautiful lady who has long hair and her freckles disappear.After she prays on the moon.The moon can give her great power to help people.
When the people in danger is saved by her,the power from the moon will became a star and stays in the sky.Day by day,there are a great many stars in the sky.Like a lot of heroes,she has an enemy too.He is an old man who is very ugly and evil,he always makes troubles to destroy the earth,but his dirty tricks often fails,became Chrstine is omnipotent and the evil will not triumph over the virtuous.
This is the ugly man(show pictures).He usually sits in his laboratory and hatched a plot.One day,he intended to spread terror-stricken information to the internet.Unfortunately,his trap was seen through by Christine.She decided to prevent him.She fixed on his location and saved enough power.At last,she defeated him.Soon,she is regarded as a heroine.But in ordinary life,no one knows she is the heroine,and her good looks can be seen everywhere,on the wall,the cover of the book,the door and so on.She sat a good examlpe and people all learn from her.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 14:51


不妨考虑用“The retrospection and introspection of/on..... ”

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