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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-05 06:14



热心网友 时间:2024-12-10 16:24

In the eastern plain in Henan Province, the investigation into hyperfluoride groundwater found that the amount of fluorine in groundwater in some areas is not completely correlated with the
prevalence of illnesses cause by high fluoride .

稍等第二句哦~~!为保证质量,我再推敲推敲 ~~

Thereby based on theanalysis of different conservation characteristics of fluorine in local groundwater,through the analysis of human body with the representative complex state offluorine in food chain , the conclusion that in the groundwater fluorine in statesof complexing ion and organic has negative effects on human bodies has been basicallymade, which provides clues for further researches on the mechanism of endemicfluorosis.


热心网友 时间:2024-12-10 16:24

1。In the investigation of high-fluorine groundwater on the eastern plain of Henan,it was found that in certain parts of the region,there was no notable positive correlation between the quantity of fluorine content in the groundwater and the morbidity rate of endemic fluorosis。
2。Therefore,basing on the analysis of different types of fluorine occurrence characteristics,and the negative effects on human body caused by some complex-state fluorine that are representative in food chains,this paper draws the basic inference on the negative effects of ion-state chromium and organic-state fluorine on human body,this would provide some clues to further researches on the pathogenic mechanism of fluorosis。

热心网友 时间:2024-12-10 16:25

  第一句In the survey found high fluorine groundwater in Eastern Henan Plain, the prevalence rate is not completely positive correlation between the fluorine content in groundwater and endemic fluorosis area 第二句So based on the analysis of different forms of fluorine in groundwater characteristics, through the analysis of the complex phase fluorine in the food chain of human negative effects of some representative, obtained the basic inference negative effect and organic fluorine ions in the groundwater body state, providing clues for pathogenesis in-depth study of fluorine disease

热心网友 时间:2024-12-10 16:25

First statement: in the eastern plain of high fluoride groundwater investigation found that parts of fluorine in groundwater was positively related with a power prevalence is not completely.
Second statement: dimension based on the analysis of the groundwater in different form, on the basis of fluorine occurrence characteristics, through the food chain in some representative complex state of fluorine the analysis of the effect of human body, it is concluded that the groundwater in the complexation ions and organic states fluorine basic inference, the negative effects of the human body for further research on the pathogenic mechanism of power provides a clue.
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