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急求一篇迎新生的欢迎词 英文的

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 12:49



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 07:52

综述:Hello, everyone. Welcome to our school. When you join us you will find our school is your second hometown. You will love learning at our school. 

You will love your teacher.They are all friendship. They will give you the best ecation.You will also have many friends that know about you. 

You will be succeed with your teacher's help and your hard work.Our school will say congratulations to you. Cheer up! You are the best! You will be stars some day.Welcome to our school! Our new students!








热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 09:10

Dear Prospective Students,After three years’ struggle on study, you are qualified to enter West Anhui University for different reasons, but whatever reasons, you clearly know that you are still on the way to your ideal. Here I represent all the teachers to welcome you and give you some advice.First, it’s difficult to have a good result but easy to get a bad one. You should never delay or give up your study. You seem to have fever problems now, but you have to study positively. No one will change you except yourself.Second, you should develop good habits in your college life. You are far away from your parents and some of you may graally be addicted to smoking, overdrinking or the Internet games. So it’s time for us to make a good control and take good care of ourselves. In university, one of the most important things you should learn is how to get along well with others, which would directly influence your interpersonal relationship in the future. Third, everyone spends his university life variously. From now on, you will have enough time to study, to play and even to establish a love tower with your Mr. or Miss Right together. Here you are absolutely free to achieve your goals, make your dream come true.Fourth, you should never neglect your parents no matter how busy you are, especially at the beginning of the semester. Making a telephone or writing a letter to them will set their minds at rest so that they can deal with their own things better. You love your parents, don’t you? On behalf of your future teachers and friends, I hope all of you will enjoy your life on this lovely campus with the gust of your miens.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 10:45

Hello,everyone.Welcome to our school.When you join us you will find our school is your second hometown. You will love learning at our school. You will love your teacher.They are all friendship.They will give you the best ecation.You will also have many friends that know about you. You will be succeed with your teacher's help and your hard work.Our school will say congratulations to you. Cheer up! You are the best! You will be stars some day.Welcome to our school! Our new students!
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