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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 17:07



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 20:53


H4 Visa Documents Checklist:

Your spouse’s valid passport

A copy of your (i.e. the principal applicant’s) passport

A photograph of your spouse and yourself

Confirmation page of the DS-160 form with CEAC bar code.

Visa Fees receipt from the relevant bank

Copy of the principal applicant’s appointment letter from the employer sponsoring the former’s H-1B

Copy of principal applicant’s form I-797

A letter from the principal applicant’s employer clearly stating the nature of relationship between the former and the employer

Copies of the pay stubs from the principal applicant’s employer

Original marriage certificate

Original birth certificates of children

Consulates often ask for further proof of marriage. Typically these may comprise of any or all of the following, as may be available:

A wedding album with several pictures of the wedding showing the principal applicant and the spouse together in many of them

Marriage invitation cards

Video of the marriage proceedings

List of guests invited to the marriage

A H4 visa holder is NOT allowed to work in the U.S. This must be clearly understood by your spouse when attending the interview, where the officer will ask you whether he/she will be attempting to take up employment when in the U.S. Your spouse will be denied the visa if the officer feels that your spouse will seek employment once in the U.S.

A H4 visa holder is allowed to get a driving license and open and operate bank accounts.

A H4 visa holder can also enroll at a U.S university, but he/she cannot take up part time jobs that an F1 visa entitles him/her to.

Children under H4 visa do not need an F1 visa to study in U.S schools.

While the H4 visa process does not distinguish whether it is the husband or the wife who is applying for the H4 dependency, husbands trying to obtain H4 on their wife’s H-1B often find the process harder, and face many more rejections than wives applying for H4 dependency on H-1B.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 20:54

必须 申请H-1B的所有材料复印件。
必须 H-1B入境的I-94表复印件、所属公司的在职证明、近三个月的工资单原件,美国银行的月结算单原件
必须 户口本原件
必须 全家合影照片原件
必须 本人的护照原件
必须 结婚证原件
必须 孩子的出生证明原件
必须 配偶的护照复印。文都国际教育回答希望有帮助到您,望采纳。
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