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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-04 23:22



热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 15:59

Procurement of instrial proction and business activities of the important part of business with the procurement of funds is often more than 40% cent of sales, on the survival and development Youzhao 企业 important Zuoyong. Procurement process is the most important business processes, improve the procurement process can improve procurement efficiency and rece procurement costs, which may promote greater efficiency. The external face of heavy machinery instry of economic globalization, information technology, customer demanding of the environment, the internal experience of the management of the transformation of traditional proction process. Each company is experiencing an increasingly complex external environment, enterprises should maintain the survival and development, it must carry out reform and innovation in a timely manner to meet the changing business environment.
This article as a starting point, the company's procurement processes of supporting documents. First introced the procurement process reengineering and the implications of procurement, process reengineering method, process diagnostic methods and the principles and steps of process reengineering. Then use business process reengineering and Caigou 的 relevant theories, respectively 公司 purchasing organization, accessories procurement processes, Xu Qiu planning process, vendor selection process, He Tong signing process, warehouse distribution processes and supporting documents payment process analysis and diagnosis, Cai Yong BPR integrated approach to the company to design component parts procurement process. Finally, the specific process reengineering programs, and process reengineering implementation steps.
The basic status of the procurement process on behalf of the company in domestic proction of heavy machinery instry, the problems faced by enterprises, the results of this study as the company's corporate existence of other similar reference.
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